Penn v. Stevenson



I wont tell you who wins but its one of the all time bloodiest fights in UFC history. Really a good UFC, lots of guys giving everything they had...


I was reading an article about Don King the other day & it hinted that Boxing is dead, & UFC is quickly taking it's place.
Great fight card and and once again Penn showed he is at a totally different level. I like Stevenson but love to watch BJ more than any other fighter in the UFC. I heard that Floyd Mayweather Jr. started runing his mouth and said he would dominate his wieght class in the UFC. Daddy Joe Stevenson replyed saying he would absolutely love to be Mayweather's introduction into the UFC if he was really wanting to make the move.

Back to the card from last night , I'm thinking that Gonzaga has already lived his 15 minutes of fame from knocking out Cro Cop and is nose diving into the gutter. The Feb card is going to be another great fightt night as well , just a couple weeks to go .
I'd also like to say that I feel BJ is going to THRASH the steroid using Sherk.People think that this is will be BJ's toughest fight as Sherk fights with a great amount of pressure.I think the steriods gave Sherk the strength and now he is about to venture into the octagon with who could possibley be the greatest most balanced "natural" fighter in the history of the UFC. BJ will yet again rise to the top....Prediction is Penn wins and this goes down as the fight of the year...
Saw on UFC's website that on Feb. 2nd that Brock Lester is fighting in UFC against Mir. That should be interesting, Brock is or was huge when he was in WWE there "fighting".

Dana White said tonight on a time spot about this upcomming fight between Mir and Lesnar that if Brock backs up his bragging what he is going to do in UFC he will be the next superstar.

Lesnar is a great athlete! NCAA champion, almost made it in the NFL for the Vikings and has been doing Pro Wrestling here and in Japan. He is one big dude - he was also popped for HGH, though it was not illegal at the time. The charges were dropped when it was proven they were not steroids.

He dominated his first K1 fight so lets see how he does in MMA. He can grapple and strike for sure, but I'll bet if he gets against some of the better submission specialists they pick him apart.

Dude is HUGE!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
As far as Lesnar goes...his first fight he'll be out of gas in the first minute and a half. Frank Mir has been around and will wait for Lesnar to make a mistake. Most first timers in the octagon stress them selves out by wanting to come out and completely dominate right off the get go. They all want to knock out their opponents in the first minute and end up gassing and getting caught. I think this is what will happen to Lesnar.

As far as the Penn fight, I was in Bakersfield at a soccer tourney so I missed it. My brother in law said it was bloody and I saw an interview with "Daddy" Stevenson and he looked swollen as heck! He must have been tagged up pretty good. He also had a gash on his forehead that I guess was the his downfall. What I like about BJ is that his family is rich yet he fights because he loves the sport. These guys are athletes! They don't just have to know how to hit a baseball, or throw a ball through a hoop....their sport is technical and is an individual sport. If they don't train hard, they lose! Gotto love MMA...


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