

Long Time Member
I didn't get this card but hate draws!! There's gotta be a winner. I think the judges need to dig a little deeper when fights are that close. I looked at the stats of the fight and see that Fitch had 47 strikes compared to BJ's 12. Fitch had 4 take downs compared to BJ's 2. How did this fight go? From the stats, it looked like Fitch won the fight. I guess BJ did more damage on the ground then Fitch did?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
The fight was close for the first two rounds, but Fitch absolutely dominated the third round. Penn did nothing in the third other than take hits. Fitch was robbed and Penn knew it and admitted it after the fight in the immediate interview.
Was Joe Rogan ranting about how horrible the judges are that are supplied by the Athletic Commission. It's unfortunate that the UFC can't have their own judges. That way, they know exactly what gets scored as what. There have been so many fights that have gone the wrong way.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-11 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]Penn won the 1st, had Fitch's back and threathened the RNC.
The 2nd was close with Fitch edging out the round with top control.
3rd was all Fitch, he took Penn down 10 sec into the round...Penn barely survived the ground and pound.

IMO....Fitch was robbed! Penn was clearly beatin.

From what I understand...Australia doesn't have an athletic commision and UFC arranged the judges but the they weren't the same through out the event. That explains how they blew the Fulkuda/Ring decision also but were spot on for the Pearson/Fisher decision.

What needs to happen and from what I hear Dana is lobbying for is all main events need to be 5 rounds! not just title fights.
I thought Sonnen was out due to steroid use. One comment below that article stated he was laundering money? Is that true?

Sonnen will dominate Bisping on the ground.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>I thought Sonnen was out due
>to steroid use. One comment
>below that article stated he
>was laundering money? Is that

He tested positive for elevated testosterone levels but he said it was prescribed by a doctor. And he failed to give the proper paperwork from the doc to the athletic commission before the drug test. Since it was prescribed I think his fine/suspension was less. Then days after that he pled guilty in a federal court to some type of real estate fraud...basically some type of money laundering.

Too bad, I really used to think he was a good guy.
He gets what he deserves. It's so tough to cheat the gov't. It's not even worth attempting it. They'll eventually get you. Is jail time in his future?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>He gets what he deserves. It's
>so tough to cheat the
>gov't. It's not even worth
>attempting it. They'll eventually get
>you. Is jail time in
>his future?

He had to pay a $10,000 fine and give up his Real Estate License but no jail time.
>Wasn't he running or held a
>public office in Oregon?

He was nominated and I think he won a primary or something but he was running unopposed. Then later I think he withdrew the nomination.

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