penguins roasting over an open campfire


Long Time Member
For Tageater.


LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-07 AT 11:24PM (MST)[p]thanks buddy, a fresh home-cooked meal for the holidays.

is that a richard simmons excercise video on the portable?
So why is everyone on the penguin kick now??? Happy Feet, Farce of the Peguins ect ect...Are they going extinct or what??? Haven't been to Antarctic lately. (By the way, love the pics..especially the Penguins and symbols-something I'd be stupid enough to pull)....Old saying---Don't let your alligator mouth over-run your meadow mouse Ass..
I think it all started with the "March of the Penguins". They are a fad and will pass. The real funny thing is that as far as I know, in the history of the world a Polar Bear has never ever met a penguin in the wild.
Personally--I'd never want to meet a Polar Bear in the wild neither...No Jim Shocky hunt for MEEE!!!

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