Pecos Sheep Crash Course


Active Member
Somehow managed to draw a New Mexico big horn tag for the pecos wilderness. Still dazed and quivering a little... been applying for years but the draw odds are so abysmal that I never seriously considered that I might actually end up with a tag, always seemed like one of those hunts that I wouldn't have a realistic chance of getting to do. Consequently, I have dedicated zero amount of time to studying the ways of the pecos big horn herd and spent my energy on the critters that I could get tags for. I would absolutely love to hear from anyone who has done this hunt, especially DIY, any sheep wisdom in general would be massively apreciated.
Congrats. Oh what I would give to have that "dazed and quivering" feeling! Good luck to you and post some pics of the adventure!
I personally drew this tag in 2008. Also guided in 2009 and helped another outiftter guide a hunter in 2010. Not sure if I will be heading up there this year or not? Send me an email and I could give you some advice. You are in for an awesome experience! [email protected]
Congratulations on being "dazed and quivering"!
I can't be of any help but just wanted to say congratulations on a great tag!
PS; We require a great post with trophy photos when the hunt concludes!
Congratulationes on drawing that awesome tag and also to wbill for the really nice ram in his picture. You guys both make sure and come back on this site ofen now, ya hear!!!
Congratulations on a great tag! I drew this tag in 1999 and did not hire a guide. I talked to the biologist and did two solo backpack scouting trips. I hand fed sheep sunflower seeds and powerbars. This is incredible country that you will never forget. I realized after my two scouting trips that it would be difficult to get everything out after taking a ram. I found a transporter in Mora, N.M. that hauled a friend and I in on horses. We hunted on foot and then our new found friend picked us up after I shot my ram at 60 yards. If I could do it over again I would try with my bow. There is cell phone coverage up high. Hunting at 10 to 12 thousand feet is awesome as you can see the storms coming. The lightning storms on the skyline trail were intense! Call me if you want any other info. (907) 677-3536
Thanks for the response guys, still can't quite get my head around it, was practically brain dead at work all day. I really apreciate the offers for advice and I'll definately be contacting you gentlemen in the near future! gotta see if I can calm down a little first...
Many thanks, Chris
LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-11 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]Congratulations on one of the best Rocky tags anywhere!
No doubt you will be brain dead for many months, and then the hunt will be here. If it were my tag...and it is not, I would not overlook hiring a good guide if you can. You will never get this tag again, so it is a once in a lifetime deal. It sounds like plenty have done the hunt on their own and had good success, but man this is a GREAT tag!
If nothing else, I would at least talk to some guides, along with others you consult with.
You could check out this blog from another post:

I wish you the very best! And yes, please share your pictures next Fall!


Got it done. Absolutely amazing hunt. Thanks to WBill for his advice and support and the Lewellen crew at OneonOne Adventures.
Amazing!! A huge congratulations to you for making the most if that coveted tag. I hope I can follow in your footsteps!

Great length on that cranker. Beautiful ram!

Let's hear about the hunt please.

Again, congrats to you!

Congrats on the great ram! I have some live photos of him from August 5th. I knew he wouldn't last long. I will try to upload the photos, just don't be disappointed with the camera phone pix.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-11 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]Mr 284
Congratulations on taking a truly huge ram! He's just perfect in every way.
The warm after-glow will last for years and you'll have those sweet memories every time you see your mounted trophy.
Well done sheep hunter!

PS: Any mounting plans? Lifesize?
Thanks guys, I'm still overwhelmed by the whole experience. I'd love to see the pics sneekey, I took some pretty good ones on Aug 8 and I have photos of him from outfitter friends back to 2008. Luckily we were able to keep a good handle on him this year as he had a serious habit of not being found come huntin time. Game and Fish biologists in santa fe scored him at 174 and aged him at 15 (not a typo FIFTEEN), his teeth were nearly gone, glad we could save him from the coyotes...
I will get the pics up tomorrow 284NM. I have a video also but tried sending it via email and the file was too large...your damn sheep's fault! What kind of mount is in store for him?

That's the flattest sheep country I've ever seen! A pasture ram?
JK, don't blast me too bad. LOL

Cool on the hoof pics of a great trophy! Thanks.

Thank you Mr sneekey, great pics, I'll have to save those to my scrapbook if you don't mind. The boys down at imperial taxidermy have me pretty well talked into a pedestal mount, thinking about framing up a collage of live photos of him to go with it.
Zeke, yeah he was hangin out in a pretty handy spot that first week of August, just catchin some rays and pretty tolerant of the two legged traffic. i seem to have been the only guy with a tag who knew he was up on that end. They don't get that old being dumb though, by the time the hunt started he was timbered up in some steep country about a mile NE of where the pics were taken.

Aug 8

Aug 19
He would have been a lot easier to fetch back to camp if he had stayed put but I'm happier for both of us that I had to earn him.
You're welcome! Nothing like having on the hoof pics of your animal before you drop it! I'll send the others and try to place the video on MonsterHuntClips. Pedestal mount is going to look great! Don't forget to post pics of the finished mount!


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