

Very Active Member
Beanman, you know I got you some'a coming..
..couple other of you Azz'holes might too...

Pecan pie..lordy..


If we make a crop, like I think...
I'll ship some to you boy's..

I'm in Lar... You know how much I'll enjoy that slice of home!!

I'll send ya some AZ elk burger back to Tejas!! Knocked him down out here on Tues!!

See ya buddy!

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
Brian and Scott,

They wont hit the ground for another
four to six weeks, but when they do,
you guys are ON.

Brian, it's been good to me.
Shot my first ever antelope in NM that scored
79 and change. Shot a pretty nice high country
CO buck after blowing a couple of chances at
real toads. Ouch....and shot a pretty buck last
week in NM with a muzzleloader, another first for
me. Headed back to the same spot this weekend, as
my buddy has an elk tag for the area.

Been having a good time.
I'll holler at you boys when pecan pie time
comes. Y'all take care.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-09 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]Larry, congrats on the great season so far. You've been busy.

Larry, are these peecons, or pacans? Or peecans? Or pacons?:)No matter, that sure is a generous offer!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

I'm in, I can even send some new crop pinto's your way. If you're going to become a bean snob you only eat fresh ones.



Bless you sir, but I'm good.

How's my boy Sparky doing ???

Are you keeping the 'yote population
in check with the .223 ?????

You need to come see me.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-09 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]Spark is doing just fine. He was watching the packing preparations all week wondering if he was going. You know how dogs do that. About a half hour before I left on Thursday I let him out for a few minutes. After fifteen minutes I called him and he wouldn't come so I started searching. The little sucker had jumped into the open drivers side window of my truck and was planning on stowing away. I thought he might bite me when I removed him from the truck. He was not happy about it. That's one of the great things about a dog though, he was happy to see me when I got home. They don't carry a grudge.

I haven't got a shot off at a coyote in a long time. I keep the Tikka by the back door with a magazine nearby. The couple of times I have seen a yote out back they were gone by the time I got out the door. Been too busy to really go after them properly.

We are maybe going to make a trip to Port O'Connor, Tx this winter to visit friends of Andrea's Family. I don't really know how far out of the way you are?


Larry! Hit me up with a PM when it comes time to harvest. I will meet you half way somewhere, or maybe take a ride up there! It would be worth it to me for sure. You should see the folks go nuts (pun intended) for them in downtown Austin - the raid the parks, sidewalks wherever they can find them. Quite comical.

Did you get any of this rain? 3 inches here today. The lawn is as green as it has been all year.

I was in Burnet last night, kid had a football game. We romped in a mud bowl!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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