Pebble Creek Mine Blocked

I wish your boys back at BHA felt the same way.
Are you implying BHA didn't want Pebble Creek denied or that they didn't give Trump credit for denying it?

It's clear BHA's been advocating denying the permit, which Obama already denied before Trump then opened back up for reconsideration when he took office. I believe if it weren't for Don Jr that Trump intended to approve the permit or else he wouldn't have restarted the process to begin with

As anybody can clearly see BHA gave the Trump Administration credit for the denial. Wise up.


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It was the Colorado chapter I took issue with, doesn't matter what Trump does, to them he's the anti-christ.

But Alaska’s only congressmen, Rep. Don Young, also a GOP member said he was “disappointed” by the federal government’s decision and blamed “the voices of outside extremists.”

Something tells me this Congressman owns, stocks in pebble mine
The elections over, how about we give credit where it's due when a decision is made to protect public lands and wildlife and leave the political attacks and grandstanding out of it.

There's a heckuva lot we all agree on.
The funny part is that Trump got bashed for it. If you read 10 secs you see how deeply the mine company had their tentacles wrapped around tge local gov, the state gov, and Lisa Murkowsky. It is DC. Trump needed votes to get his agenda attempted. Murkowsky is always leveraging her "moderation".

In general Dems are better for public land. But not public land policy, as we are seeing the west become a bonfire yearly while the FS/BLM watches and brings marshmallows.

If you look at Trumps +/- ratio on public lands and policy, hes been pretty good overall. Which for a land developer from NY, has been astonishing.

BHA does get some credit whether DW likes it or not. There wasnt much talk in hunting circles nationally about subjects like pebble, or GAO. Like it or not, they given voice to subjects outside of buck\does ratios, some of which are far more important to hunters.

I hope they push for more. Trump has got to be FURIOUS with mainstream Republicans for abandoning him. Be great to see him scorch earth more if the RINO members pet projects like Pebble.
So why is Trump pushing forward with selling oil leases in the ANWR? What’s the difference between Pebble Mine (which I am against) and drilling in the ANWR?
So why is Trump pushing forward with selling oil leases in the ANWR? What’s the difference between Pebble Mine (which I am against) and drilling in the ANWR?
That reminds me...I can't wait to go back to the war on coal and oil. Ban fracking and go back to buying oil from Saudi Arabia. I'm tired of cheap gasoline, natural gas and heating oil . Biden promised to ban fossil fuels.
That reminds me...I can't wait to go back to the war on coal and oil. Ban fracking and go back to buying oil from Saudi Arabia. I'm tired of cheap gasoline, natural gas and heating oil . Biden promised to ban fossil fuels.
Pretty excited myself. Hey out of sight out of mind.
BHA does get some credit whether DW likes it or not.

I've given them plenty of credit Hoss. Remember all the credit I gave them for wanting to cover our public lands with wind farms and solar fields? Or all the credit I gave the Colorado chapter founder campaigning hard to end spring bear hunting, baiting, and hunting them with hounds??
Remember how i quit my membership over the renewable BS?

Doesnt change the facts that those causes became cool by BHA making them so.

Im not their PR chief. But you again, should check into the FACTS on BHA and Colorado losing spring bear. Not denying you know the guy, but your timeline seems screwed.

Grand scheme, its interesting to read the bush hippies comments about the Orange Hitler after he does good things. Then read yours after BHA does good things. Both of you thinking perfection and purity exist somewhere.
Bush hippies, I'll be using that one. It's the lack of comments they make after he does something good, combined with the immediate and incessant whining every time he farts, how he's killing the planet. The timeline is your hangup, not mine. Putting the fox in charge of the henhouse doesn't instill confidence that the goal is egg production.
So why is Trump pushing forward with selling oil leases in the ANWR? What’s the difference between Pebble Mine (which I am against) and drilling in the ANWR?

Congress voted to open that area for drilling in 2017. We can all agree or disagree with the wisdom in oil leases in that area, but it isn’t really President Trump just pushing ahead in a lame duck season. This has been over 3 years in the making. If Congress voted to allow mining in Bristol Bay, I assume there would be mining in Bristol Bay too.

Pebble Mine was a huge issue in sportsmen circles long before BHA ever got a whiff of what was going on, just to be clear. Its nice they finally got involved and pushed their members to speak up. But let’s not give them more credit than they earned.
And a hat tip to President Trump’s administration for blocking it. Regardless of who, what, when or why—stopping this from going forward is a good thing in my opinion.
Congress voted to open that area for drilling in 2017. We can all agree or disagree with the wisdom in oil leases in that area, but it isn’t really President Trump just pushing ahead in a lame duck season. This has been over 3 years in the making. If Congress voted to allow mining in Bristol Bay, I assume there would be mining in Bristol Bay too.

Pebble Mine was a huge issue in sportsmen circles long before BHA ever got a whiff of what was going on, just to be clear. Its nice they finally got involved and pushed their members to speak up. But let’s not give them more credit than they earned.

We kinda forget, some of their members have a pretty big media presence, and tons of credibility in and outside of DC.

Rinella and Newberg to name 2.

And, yup im gonna say it, Yvon.(remember the idea of grouping with natural allies on issues).

No they dont get all the credit, but they are pretty effective in the modern world of Social Media.

Im not sure ID of been aware of it otherwise.

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