PBR Finals


Long Time Member
The Professional Bull Riders are in Las Vegas for their yearly "Finals" and are currently on Day Two. I don't know about you but my Dad was and i am, big fans of the PBR.

Looks like Guilherme Marchi controls his own destiny in winning the world championship. All he has to do is ride most of his bulls the rest of the finals, he has a good sized lead going in and is still riding well.

Adriano Moraes and Justin McBride have both announced this to be their last year, last finals. I'm big fans of both these guys. Two of the best ever! Ardiano is 2 for 2, looking good in the Finals average so far. Both these guys have made their mark as World Champions, Adriano three times!

Also 2 for 2 and looking really good is Chris Shivers. Glad to see that little stud rider back. When healthy, The one to watch, guy is great and can flat ride a bull!

Ross Coleman, like his style, is also now two for two. Tough luck cowboy here. He'd like nothing better than to win these Finals. I'll be pulling for him!

There's one guy, new guy, that could possibly come back on Marchi and win it all, he is riding the toughest bulls and looking good doing it. J.B. Mauney. Tall lanky kid with a good attitude. Like to see some of the above mentioned older guys win but no doubt, the future of the PBR is all about young guys like J.B.

Any comments? Do you think these guy's get paid enough for their sport. Is it a sport? Who's the Best rider? Chime in!!

Seems like when guys get paid too much they start retiring early? I am disappointed in McBribe much like I was Jordan.

Marchi is a lock. I would have liked to see Jenkins, White, Oliveria, or Lostroh win the Finals. Seems most of them bit the dust tonight. I am pulling for Mike White. He deserves one in my eyes.
They really ought to be paid at least as much as their medical bills are.

*just my opinion*

for the level of education 90% of them have they do ok.

ktc, all great guys to pull for. I especially like Mike White. That guy, when he's on, can ride the toughest rankest bulls and look good doing it. I always pull for him!

Tag, you do have a point. Only the top 10, per go round, get any kind of a check. Some guys do have sponsers these days and "things" aren't as tough money wise for most of them like the old days but for the risks they take in a tough gig like they do, they really don't make a lot of dough!

I want to see Adriano win the finals one more time. Tough nut, that guy!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-08 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]KTC, not sure if you know this but Mike is a former World Champion in the PRCA as well.

And I have to say , I'm hoping LJ Jenkins can bounce back and finish off winning another world finals , would be the first ever back to back world finals champion...If not it be nice to see Briscoe win the finals...

I am a Jenkins fan and would like to see him win it once. Briscoe does not seem to have enough heart? He sat out earlier in the year after winning the winner take all event and really should have never sat out?

I knew White had won the PRCA once, but he needs a PBR title. I think he could do it if he could stay in one piece for a whole year.

McBride makes me mad. He probably could have broke every record out there, but he quit. Now I hope they don't give him any tv time. Maybe his buddy Coleman should win one? At least he is still trying.
I like Justin, I too am pissed that he is retiring. He and I were in HS Rodeo here in Nebraska at the same time. He's younger than me and he is retiring? I guess more power to him, I'm 30 and still have a few years to go before I can do that.(like 35) I'm jealous. Great guy and a phenomenal bull rider.

My mom is headed to the last four days of the finals. Jealous about that too!!


Aim Center Mass
Mike White looked awesome tonight!

I was glad that "Part-time" McBride fell off. Who cares what he does now? He should have quit 2 weeks ago and let a young and hungry bullrider compete. I think McBrides head has swelled and made his balance bad?

Pretty good show tonight and some awful good rides. Marchi, Nunes, and Mauney all looked good as well.

On another note; Bones is hands down Bull Of The Year. It would be a rip if he did not win. He is heads and shoulders above the rest IMO.
I'm a Chicken on a Chain fan. Love that bull!
I would like to see L.J. Jenkins win it.
McBride... better have a medical reason or something, his heads too big to ride bulls!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-08 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]I think the PBR is deffinately losing one of the greatest in the sport with McBride retiring, but I totally understand and respect his decision. It's hard to pack a bag of clothes and fly out every weekend for the better part of the year. He and his wife have new baby girl, he's got a strong cow/calf/bull program going where he will be turning out some great bucking bulls in the next few years and he loves that life style of being a ranch cowboy. When he set out on the tour he said he wanted a World Championship, and after that he said he wanted more, he got his second .Since then his life has changed and for the better and good for him. He is more of a family man now and it's just gotten hard for him to leave every weekend and he always said if winning a world title wasn't his main goal/focus then he would walk away from it that he never approached anything in his life half hearted and he wouldn't keep riding bulls just to do so and again if it's not to be the best in the world it's all for not for him. He has done nothing more than represent the PBR as one of the best World Champions every, the cloth that he was cut out of seems to be disappearing any more these days .He is maybe the best the sport has ever seen, not many guys craved the rankest one in the pen every weekend every time he put his rope on...
Oh NUTT, dont go getting rational on us.;-) I liked watching him, so I do not care for his decision, and I am going to bag on him.

Should be good again tonight. My only gripe now is NBC broadcasting it on Sunday.
I wish they would post the draft!

I would like to see White or Jenkins get the go-round. I hope Mauney is getting a big head and falls off?

I hate to say it NUTT, but I hope Justin "Part-Time" McBride falls off again too! I think he will come out of retirement soon? If he is focusing on his singing career he will be back. The man CANNOT sing! I do like his riding ability NUTT and that is why I am bagging on the guy. Like he cares! Ha!
Holy Cow!! It's just now before the short go and i got to say that this has been a really great bull riding. Justin rode his bull like the champ he is and Shivers is sitting second. Lots of good things happening, great bulls, many 90+ point rides... FANTASTIC, just hardly can't wait for the short go.

I like to watch sports, even golf at times, but give me a PBR event like this... better than baseball's World Series and right up there with the Super Bowl!!

Love to see these guys get credit for the athletes that they are!


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