Pass or a Shooter



Doing some scouting for my upcoming Antelope hunt and curious if this is a decent buck, I have seen some that I like but this one kinda has me really interested, Is he a shooter or should I pass?



Im assuming you're kidding right? Do you have an auction tag or something? If that is in any public unit (draw or not) I would kill that buck before he blinked.

Based on the pics, he is MASSIVE and around 15-16" long. His front mass is as good as Ive ever seen.

Obviously a side view is necessary to score him but based on your pic I hope you were kidding! That buck is a t-rex!
Actually no, I am not kidding, I have been putting in for 17 years and have finally drew a tag, The bonus points that I have accumulated didn't even come into play as me and my son drew the last 2 tags for the unit, I am looking for a nice buck since the odds of me drawing another tag are pretty slim at this point, I know how the scoring system works but really not that good at judging Antelope, Thus the question for the post, I have seen taller ones in my scouting but this one is really wide to me and I know there is no score for width but I like the character of him, Just wanted some opinions of whether he was decent or not, he was all by himself and the rut is going on which had me questioning whether he was actually a good one considering I have seen some that are bigger than him.

I have a tag as well if he's in unit 100 let me know and I will tip him over and you won't have to worry about it anymore. I'm not joking.
+ 1 Not the greatest pic but that goat appears to be in the high 80's . That buck needs to be on your wall- I don't care what unit or state you're in !!!
No brainer from what i can tell in the pic. I don't see how you would be disappointed.

Pardon the sarcasm but I really thought you were being facetious!. "Trophy" is always relative to the hunter but I think that buck is 85"+ His cutters look a little low but judging by the mass, that buck is a buster!

Mass adds up 4x in an antelope score, length only once. Plus a lot of heavy bucks look shorter. He may be over 15" Any more pics?!?!?!?
I'll assume you've figures out that he's a great buck!


Oh by the way, have a fun, safe and successful hunt too.

On most antelope hunts, the question sounds stupid. With the number of years you've been applying, I assume you have an AZ tag. If that's the case, it's a legitimate question.

His mass looks awesome from the front, but you need a side view as well to get a good estimate. He does look like a dinosaur from this angle.

Good luck, and be sure to post the results of your hunt.
Heck of a nice buck - I think he has some pretty nice ivory tips on him which makes the horns look shorter then they are based on the one picture, and like others have posted a side view of him would be great - he might be scary big actually if seen from the side. Huge mass - and just a great looking buck - I'd take him and be proud. Good luck to you.
For me its tough to tell in the picture how big he really is. I love seeing the ears to compare height and mass as well as a profile shot. But I do believe your looking at a true Monster Antelope. I am going to venture a guess that he is a high 80 class lope with the possibilty of making the 90inch mark. He has one of the most massive bases I have ever seen.
I have had 5 different Antelope tags in 3 different states. I have looked at allot of goats. That Buck is a whopper! He is an older goat as you can tell by his big belly and long black nose. His horn are a little different from the norm which makes him even better in my book. I will say his around 87". In my opinion you will have a hard time fiding a better goat, I don't care what state or unit you hunt. HAWK
That is an outstanding buck. His mass is great. If he trips your trigger go ahead and take him. If not let your son take a shot at him. He is a STUD! Over 85" for sure.
Thank you all for your responses, I greatly appreciate them and from that I would have to say its a unanimous yes, I have been watching him for 3 weekends now and will be back again this weekend for a last look before the season startup on Sept. 3rd, I have several to options to choose but I liked this guy from the first time I saw him, If he makes it through the archery hunt going on right now and I get the opportunity I hope to use it successfully and will post pics on this thread with a story, I saw 3 other bucks this last weekend that actually are bigger than him so my son hopefully will have a chance to take those opportunities if they come about, I am so stoked for this hunt and hope to get the chance at one of these bucks if not this one for sure, either way it will be a great hunt just to be out with my son on a hunt, You all have been very helpful and again I appreciate it greatly.

If you can find this buck during the rifle hunt, you better take him. If you can find one of the three other bucks that are bigger than this one, you better shoot one of those.

I can't imagine why you're so excited.:) You're setting on the Mother Lode.

Sorry for the delay, I did not get the one that is pictured, It was actually a circus around that area on opening morning and he was never spotted or taken that I am aware of, I did find 2 of the other bigger ones that I scouted and could not seem to get within 1200 yds of them on opening day, The 2nd morning out I was headed into the area again when I came across a herd of 19, 17 does and 2 bucks scrapin around with each other and decided I would take the bigger of the 2, My son got his on opening morning and I got mine on the 2nd morning, Although I didn't get the one I really wanted I am completely happy with the one I did get, my son is happy as well, We had a great time and the bucks we did get were up to our expectations, Sorry I don't have pictures up yet but will post them here in a couple days, Thanks again for all your replies and help, Pics will be up soon as I have a day off coming up, I work 2 jobs and I am catching up with the time that I was off for this hunt.


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