Party app. points



How does Montana average the points for a group application in the deer tag draw. Two of us applied with one point each from last year and I added my boy this year with no points so will we have zero this year as a group average or what?Not really expecting to draw this year but with the fee increase who knows.Thanks nwhunter
NO to the first part of question but as a group you stand a better chance in the draw in my opinion but others will say different with NO points. I drew two years in a row and never "bought into the point system" up there.

im pretty sure (99%) Montana averages your points out and rounds up, your group should have 1 point.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 05:09PM (MST)[p]Apply as a group

2 points divided by 3 guys=.66 rounded up equals 1 point each. Third guy basically gets a free point.

I am 100% sure that is how it will work.

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