Parker plateau antelope


I drew the LE antelope rifle hunt in the Parker plateau unit for 2018. I have been down scouting once and was very disappointed in what I saw ! Had this tag in 05 and it was great. I'd be burning 7 points on this hunt. Any information would be great thanks.
You can thank the freeloading cattlemen for that, mostly... I had the archery tag in 06, there were goats everywhere. I've hunted does on that unit about every 2 years since and around 2008 was the last ?good? year as far as numbers go on the Parker. Since then it's been a steady decline in numbers and buck size. My brother had a buck tag in 2010 and we hunted all day before we even saw a buck that actually forked. For me personally, 7 points is a lot to waste on that unit when there's several other good options in Utah that you can draw currently, with much better quality and quantity.

With that said, there still are a few out there and a couple decent ones as well. Get creative and look places other than the traditional goat grounds and I think you'll be able to find something worth shooting. I'm debating on doing another archery hunt down there next year with my dad, but I'm having a hard time talking myself into it
Thanks for the information ! I'm really leaning towards turning it back because I really don't want to burn my points after what I've been hearing and reading. I guess I should have done a little homework before I put in ?
Just got back from archery on parker antelope. I wouldn't burn 7 points on it if you want a big antelope.

I had 5, teamed with my 12yr old so we guaranteed draw.

I wasn't super impressed with what we saw. We weren't trophy hunting, but even at that it wasn't great. In fact I'm not sure I can talk him in to going back down.

I read the same stuff your reading, most of it I think was generous.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hey thanks for the help. I sent my tag back this morning. I do appreciate your input. And I hope you're son does go back because it's not always about the harvest a lot is just father son time and learning. Best of luck
>Hey thanks for the help. I
>sent my tag back this
>morning. I do appreciate your
>input. And I hope you're
>son does go back because
>it's not always about the
>harvest a lot is just
>father son time and learning.
>Best of luck

No prob. We bailed to go deer hunting. With a month of archery, his deer tag for muzzy and rifle, our multi season elk, and waterfowl, dad might need a 2nd mortgage for gas!

We didn't kill. 135yrds was the best we could do

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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