Paranoid Democrat

Ok, he sounds like a polititian but what's the big deal? Cheney tells people to go " F " themselves, play any sound bite of Bush and you've got a comedy act, Robbin Williams can't top him and the sad part is Bush is trying to be serious. what makes this Edwards deal so much more interesting?

I would guess " they " is the republicans, take something out of context and you can make what ever you want of it.

I don't think Edwards is a bad guy and I think he means well, I also don't think he has a chance at winning the primary.

Did you notice that he didn't set the bar a little lower on the wealthy. Like say those worth $50 mil should pay their fair share of taxes. Only those making over $100 mil are not upholding their end of the deal.

None of his comments have anything to do with either Bush or Cheney. He can't define this mysterious "they" because they doesn't exist. Unless it is Hillary casting an evil voodoo spell on him with her new found cleavage.

If a person wants to be a paranoid idiot and say so that is fine but at least define who is supposedly doing this to him

Words of a desperate man who can here the sucking sound of campaign contributions and media attention being drawn away from him. I believe most V.P.'s and V.P. candidates from past elections have a curse, similiar to the Seinfeld curse.

I don't think he's a bad guy persay, but I don't think alot of the potential candidates from either party are bad-people.

As for they, who knows? But given the context and inferrence one might say the it's the G.O.P., right-wing radio and print media, the 5 controlling media corporations, along with their big pharma-advertisers.

There's only one problem, if Edward's popularity, message, and persona were so over-whelmingly popular he would not need to even bother addressing distraction like "fluff" attacks.

I think we will see potential candidates from both sides start lashing out as their campaigns start to crash and their viability as a candidate deminishes. McCain about to run out of money so I'm expecting him to crack in the next couple of weeks.
I do think he is a bad guy, the lowest form of humanity, a PI lawyer who has made his livimg squeezing money from whoever he could. I wouldn't piss on his head if his hair were on fire.

Fortunataly for him he was very good at it. I hope he doesn't sue me.

Hear Hear D13er!
If that's true, that he is an attorney.....well.....gee......wonder if that's what the problem in this country is......we keep electing lawyers to office! Hmmmmmmmm......I would think that's probably it! Yep.....that's it!
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
Thompson is a lawyer/lobbyist/actor /polititian. and you're worried about a guy who has just two sleazy occupations? we aren't biased now are we?
Of course I'm biased you moron. I'm conservative so naturally I'm not looking for a liberal minded politician. I don't think "all" lawyers are evil, but I do believe all PI lawyers are evil.


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