Paper Bag Please!!

They are just normal people aren't they! Some of them looked better without the make-up - like Eva Mendes! OOOO LA LA!! I also like America Ferrera and Giselle Bundchen looks good too. The most surprising was Goldie Hawn YIKES! Jessica Simpson looked pretty bad too.

Every magazine cover, T.V. show and movie is re-touched air-brushed and perfected so all you see of these "stars" is the finished product. I would take the way my wife looks at 3AM over any of these women!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>LA!! I also like America
>Ferrera and Giselle Bundchen looks
>good too.

Roselyn Sanchez looks goregous no matter what, too.
Well....I am still a Goldie Hawn fan.

Especially since she is as big a huntin' fool as most of us on here.

Her and Kurt Russell own a 12,000 acre hunt estate in Scotland and I would bet she killed more stuff last year than any 10 of us.

All those beauty queens are nice, but you can bet that there is some guy somewhere tired of their gas....
Goldie Hawn? Naaaasty! I have seen Salma Hayek in a local store and movie theater without makeup and she still looks great! Nice gal too.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

You could rub dog poop all over Eva Mendes' face and she'd still be the hottest thing walking!! Half of those women I hadn't even heard of.

You have to keep in mind that they take their best and worst photo to make the comparison. Doing it that way could make anybody look bad....

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