Pants down around your ankles?



Has anyone else ever been caught with your pants down? No, I don't mean at the office Christmas party, but rather while hunting,(going to the bathroom) thus causing you to miss out on a shot, shooting while trying to keep your pants up, or some other debacle? I've unfortunately learned to ALWAYS have your rifle within reach! I was in the middle of such when my father ran a nice buck right by me. My rifle was just past my fingertips reach, and in the scramble, I tipped over downhill, into some buck brush. A little painful and I never got a shot off!! My pops only saw the end result of me laying face forward with my pants down, thrashing around, in a bush. Needles to say, I never lived that one down and he always told everyone around the campfire, that I was merely just "mooning" all the other hunters in the area. lol!

>Shot a buck in Wyoming in
>1987 while "hunkered down".
>Very memorable indeed!

So what did you name the buck HH?

The Crapper Buck?
The Dump Buck?
Whackem and Stackem Buck?
Hunker Buck?
Growler Buck?
Swamp Ass Buck?
The Fiber Buck?

A friend of mine was hunting and found some guy cleaning his pipes if you know what I mean. D13er still hasn't lived that down. You never know when the urge strikes.
I missed an opportunity once while going No.1. Had my rifle up against a tree out of reach. That's how the term "pisscutter" evolved. It makes you stop mid-stream!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
My son shot his first buck with pants down at 15 yds. Another nearby hunter saw the whole thing. A close friend shot a 33" dandy near Blanding Ut with his pants down. Buck was so close when we skinned him there were no holes in the cavity to be found. Must have been the barrel compression as he was still thrashing when field dressing commenced.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-09 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]I don't tell this story often, butt...:)

Way back in the early-1970s, I was hunting deer with a friend and my grandfather in AZ's Unit 1. When we got to the hunting area, I dropped Pop off at a good spot to ambush a buck. My friend and I split up to do some spot-&-stalk hunting.

About 1/2-hr. passed before the coffee kicked in with a call to Mother Nature. So I found a nice cozy butt rest against a fallen ponderosa. I rested my rifle against the tree, dropped my drawers and concentrated on the task at hand.

About three minutes passed when I heard a shot on top of a hill that ended on the flat right in front of my perch. It sounded as if the shot was at least 1/2 mile away. Two minutes later, a 4x4 buck, with tongue hanging out, came racing through the brush. He was headed right at me, now at about 100 yards.

I quickly grabbed my rifle, pushed the safety off and rested the gun over the tree trunk at the perfect height. When I shot, the buck was a mere 20 yards away. The bullet nailed him in the brisket between his shoulders, and he piled up right on the spot.

I finished what I had started, then field dressed the buck. There were no other wounds, so I assumed the earlier shot either missed or the hunter was shooting at a different deer.

I headed back to where I had dropped off Pop and left my 1946 Willys jeep. On the way, I crossed an old 2-track that headed up the hill where the deer had come from. If I could find where it started, it would put us within 50 yards of where I had hung the deer to cool.

Now here's the amusing part.

My friend had heard me shoot and met me just as I was getting to the Jeep. So we all piled in and set out to find the road. We drove around the mountain and 20 mins. later sure enough found the old logging road.

We drove about a mile and came to a deep wash. There was an old Chevy 2-wheel drive truck parked in it with both rear wheels in the air about a foot off the ground. A downed tree about 6 inches around was holding it up under the rear bumper.

The two hunters were sitting on a bank trying to figure out how they were gonna get unstuck. They explained that they had started across the wash when the engine stalled, causing the truck to roll backwards and up over the end of the tree.

They said they had shot at a buck on top of the mountain and might have wounded it. So they were heading to the other side -- where we had just come from -- to look for it. They didn't realize that the road went completely over the mountain and down the other side until I told them.

At that point I explained what had happened, but I left out the part about having my pants down when I killed the buck. :) They said they had heard me shoot, too.

I then told them the least I could do for them acting as my bird dogs was to help them get unstuck. So I hooked my log chain, which I always carried, to their front bumper and towed them off the log and out of the wash.

We then went on and picked up my dead deer. My friend named it the POS buck.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
outdoorwriter that's a great story thanks for posting put a smile on my face

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"My pops only saw the end result of me laying face forward with my pants down, thrashing around, in a bush."

Was that the deer hunt or your Sr. Prom?
Your title of the thread reminds me of my Grandpa a few years back when we were quail hunting in NM and he bailed out of the passenger seat of the truck after a covey of blues that had just ran across the road.. He had forgot to button and zip earlier that morning and when he stepped out to try and get a round or 2 off, his pants hit the dirt around his ankles.. Seeing the old man standing there with the shotgun at the ready with his pants around his ankles made us laugh til we cried.. We still crack up about that one..

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
my first buck was shot with my unit out. as i left the truck opening mourning my dad told me 3 and 2 points get drug to camp. we were 7 miles in with 2 feet of fresh snow. anyone remember the opening of 1979? so i crest this foot hill and look below me 4 deer 1 big 2 point laying behind some sage with a doe a big 3 point standing with the other doe. i got pissed right then. i had to pee so i pealed down the layers snow mobile suit pants ext. started to go then the 2 point decides to lift his head up above the sage for a look around. well the 2 points i saw were his back forks. i saw the rest of his head gear and pulled my 30/30 out of the snow aimed at his head and fired. he was only 60 yrds away. the first shot went right threw his muzle 1 inch infront of his eyes. he tried to get away but every time he stood up i put another round in him. 5 shots total 2 neck 2 in boiler room 1 in face. he gross scored 195 and is still my best buck to date. he is a 4x5 with no eye gaurds 28 inches tall 25 wide.
spiritelk, your buck sounds like a dandy!! My buddies and I always joke about trying to pull 2 inches of d*** through 4 inches of clothing!! I know thew exact pre"dic"ament you were in!!LMAO Been there done that! I guess they your dad and brother helped you pack him out?
no he was over the dragging requirement size. but i did get to ride him down to the road like a sled. i was bloody from top to
Back in the mid 70's a friend i were hunting in a heavily wooded area. We were separated for a few hours when i saw him walking toward me and something did not look right. His gun looked funny as it was slung behind him. As he got closer i saw his gun stack was broken and his barrel was bent. I just stared as unslung his gun, and he was near tears. the gun was handed down from his grandfather. Story is he had to go number two and went off in the brush and then he heard a truck coming down the only road in the area. This was the only traffic we had seen in two days. well he held really still so he would not be seen. Then as the truck was driving away, terror went through him as he had laid his gun on the road. Yeap right over the center of the gun. true story. sad but true.
This subject brought back a long ago memory for me. My twelve yrs. old daughter was on her first hunt with a doe permit. We had hiked close to a Forest Service area that had a pit toilet, when she said she had to use "the powder room", thought it convenient that she could use one. I wanted her to have a full wilderness experience, and chastised her that she would not use the brush. She left me to wait and watch her rifle and gear while she made a beeline for the toilet, and wouldn't you know, she jumped two does halfway there; they waited patiently and watched as she went in the building, came back out and made a run for her rifle...alas, the two deer took off about the time she arrived back, never to be seen the rest of the day!!
Welllllll, way back in the 90s, about 96 or so, I took my daughter to the Kaibab on a deer hunt. One day we were out driving around and I had the urge to go #2. Let me tell you, when I get the urge, I get the urge. So, I stop the truck, and bail out and walk about 75 yards into the brush, out of sight from the truck (Ole gray, but that is another story) and right about the time things start to happen, something starts to happen (a 3 pointer starts running away)....guess where the gun ole gray.

So, I finish my report (paperwork) and go back to the PU and get the gun and we get on the tracks. They were pretty easy to follow in the fresh snow, for about a mjile or so, until they crossed the tracks of about 6-8 deer.

Being an AZ desert boy, this was my first trip to wake up in a tent at about 15 degrees. This trip was no fun, in many ways, due to not having the correct equipment. But, I later got a little forked horn, so the trip wasn't a total loss.

On the way home, we drove in a snow storm, from outside Cameron to almost Camp Verde (about 100 miles).
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-09 AT 02:03PM (MST)[p]I hit the trail in the morning darkness to set up for a turkey hunt. Along the way I had to drop my pants and while I was taking care of business I hear a sniffing sound. I shine my flashlight towards the sound and I see a skunk with his nose in the air, sniffing as he approached me. He was already in range (rather, I was in his range) and he was getting closer. I shined the light on my face to scare him away but he just kept getting closer. Finally I pulled out my truck keys and jingled them, that sent him running away. I thought I was going to get perfumed for sure.
My sister once took a direct shot into her wide open mouth from a skunk at point blank range. But that's another story.
ive learned that if you aren't seeing much then just let your guard down and take a poop.... they will show.

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