Panguitch tag ?


Long Time Member
Who ready to turn in their Panguitch tags? Not sure if there's going to be anything left up there.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-17 AT 01:07PM (MST)[p]Not quite yet, but I'm glad I didn't set up a blind yet on one of my favorite setups by Yankee Meadows. The latest fire map I have (yesterday) shows the fire about 200 yards away! And I'll hunt elk on the Zion unit.

Edited: So much for the benefits of Option #2!
From the looks of it, almost half this unit, high elevations, is going to burn. I suspect everything north of 143 to Caddys. However, there will be pockets of timber here and there, no fire burns in a straight wall. Can always hunt the Red Desert side but so will everyone else, at least now any way. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do just yet?
There is no way I would turn in my tag on that unit.
The wildlife will be ok but it will be hard to pattern things for awhile with all the extra people and traffic in the area.

Today is going to be huge in fire suppression efforts. If they can get a good hold on the North/Northeast front of the fire today. They will be in good shape when the winds shift from the South tomorrow.

Get ready for change because it's going to happen!
Man what a quandary....I was up there on Sat when fire started and was headed straight for my place in was an exiting few hrs. my wife got all the pics and keepsakes and threw them in the truck. I got the toys and put them in the middle of a meadow hoping for the best. Got a couple of trailers out then we helped neighbors as much as we could then ran! Our place still standing as of now but had big hot spots within 150 yds.
Some good friends place was a total loss.
I drew a Pang unit early Bull nonres tag as well. Hoping they get this under control. Not sure what to do about the tag because I drew with low points.
I love hunting up there so I am waiting to see how far it spreads.

We had to cancel our family reunion at Brianhead this year due to cabin damages.
It will skip places here and there the feed will come back quick if there is some thunder showers,Haycock creek area might still be a good place to look, Behind Horse Valley too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>It will skip places here and
>there the feed will come
>back quick if there is
>some thunder showers,Haycock creek area
>might still be a good
>place to look, Behind Horse
>Valley too.
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never
>>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>>the MM green signature club.[font/]

Any Place Left with a Place to Feed/Hide will be a Good Place!

If there is one!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

How Far North is your Cabin BIGJOHN?

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

>How Far North is your Cabin
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we
>have insider trading and computer
>dating but I never goin
>for that!
>Ain't no machine pickin out my
>Queen cause it may not
>have all the facts!
>I've got my own taste and
>my own ways I'd rather
>not talk about
>and my private life is my
>private life and they ain't
>gonna find out!

We are south of I 70 a bit. Nice clear sky where we are. I was think the north part of the unit looked ok this weekend. But I have heard that is not the case now.
Elk still have some timber left and have been seen on unit (cows have been out in opened meadows earlyier than normal to escape smoke). They may be a little more bunched up come the hunt so I think it maybe better for those who still have tags.
>We are south of I 70
>a bit. Nice clear sky
>where we are. I was
>think the north part of
>the unit looked ok this
>weekend. But I have heard
>that is not the
>case now.

Looks like its burning up by Redcreek Res now headed for Little Creek, Cottonwood Mtn and Bear valley.
A friend has a cabin on the west side of 143. He said he has never seen elk over there around his cabin. But they are there now. I guess when one side of the road looks like the moon. They have to go somewhere. I am not sure they will be hunt able where there are . I am sure the elk will just move around and fallow the green grass. Hopefully its not off the unit.:)
BIGJOHNT, are you talking about the Dry lakes side towards highway 15? Tons of private property on that side.
No way in hell, I would turn that tag in on this year.

Burn areas will be good hunting this year, next year, the year after, and the year after that.

Especially with the burn so early in the season, you will have a plethora of options to hunt.

If it were me, I would find the green inside the burn areas and get after it.
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