Paint Ball advice. Any Paintballers out there???


For my sons Birthday i wanted to get a pair of paintball guns that we could play with. I dont want to buy junk and I want to buy once and not replace it later because I bought junk.

Also I wanted to use my cabelas cash because money is tight right now. I believe Tippmans are quality but they are about $270 per kit.

I dont want to buy just one gun, because it wont be much fun for my son me shooting at him and him not being able to shoot back :)

Would like to do it for about $400 because I almost have that much in Cabelas points
But It looks almost like $600.

If I can save a ton of money I will use cash from another vendor rather than cabelas, but it would have to be a ton cheaper.

Cabelas also has free shipping right now.

Help is appreciated.

His birthday was on the 10th so I am already late. I told him what I was getting.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-08 AT 00:10AM (MST)[p]Tippmans are good guns for the money. My two Boys have intimidators, $1000+ paintball guns but they play in tourneys sometimes..... they get shot by tippmans all the time.............Make sure that they keep their masks on at all times. Those things will put out an eye in a heart beat. I know one guy that is blind in one eye from a paintball.

A Peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than that of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact.- Aldo Leopold.
I would look into Spyder paintball guns as well. I own one, and it is good quality. You can spend as much, or as little as you want on them as well. The Spyder Xtra is a good beginning gun to have. As long as you clean them after every outing, these guns will last for a long time.
Thanks guys, I am looking right now at a Smartparts ION that was recomended to me. the gun/kit is $220.
I wanted to get it at cabelas, but, am told this is a much better deal.
What do you think?
Yes, forgot about that gun. Haven't had any experience with that particular gun, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. Easy to maintain, reliable and a reasonably priced gun at that. Another good choice.
Its down to tippman or smartparts. I can burn cabelas points for a tippman, but, I think i can get more for my money with a smartparts.

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