Packout Photo Contest - WIN Cool Backpack


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 10:38?AM (MST)

[font size=+1 color=darkred]Share Packout Pics....Maybe WIN Backpack!![/font]

OK, let's go with the Packout Photo Contest. Here's the rules. Share photos of you, family, friends, etc. packing out some trophies.
The packing can be on their back, horseback, llamas, goats, etc. No packout on motorized vehicle photos.
PLUS, tell us a little about the photo. A paragraph. Who shot it, maybe what state, when, and anything extra interesting about the photo or hunting trip.

The coolest photo/story will win. This thread is ONLY for sharing photos and info. for this contest. No chit chat or comments. That will all be deleted.

The winner gets this awesome pack from one of our site sponsors, Sportsman's Outdoor Products.
This is the Mainbeam Backpack....2800 cubic inches....sweet gear hauler. This is a hot pack. If you're in the market for a sweet gear hauler, this is definitely one to checkout. Please support our sponsors who giveaway goodies here at MM and give their products a good look.
I have a smaller pack from Sportsman's Outdoor Products that I use for warmer weather day hunts that I LOVE, been using it for many years. They make great gear.

Let's see some pics!!!

Will pick winner in a couple weeks.

NOTE: The one they are giving away is Predator Deception camo, not the MAX1 as below.

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 10:36?AM (MST)

This is me and my good friend with our guide. We went on a caribou hunt up to the North West Territories last year with Arctic Red River. It was a great hunt and my favorite picture to date.

I might share a few packout photos in this thread because they bring back such fun memories. Here's a big buck on my back, buried in orange hats. What a good day. Took him in Colorado 3 years ago. Seen this big boy on openng day, then again on day two, and then got him on day three. I was sure on a high that day!!!! FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!


Brian Latturner
This is my 2008 Utah muzzleloader buck. With all of camp, horns, and meat, ready to go for the 3 mile pack back to the truck.


I was fortunate enough to harvest this beautiful bull with my bow last season, after my dad called him in to within 15 yards! This picture is one of my all time favorites because it shows me and my dad finally reaping the benefits of a four day track job, and starting the trek up out of this canyon.


It was a steep hike out of the hole we found him in, but I did it with a smile on my face the whole way out, riding high after the best hunt of my life!


Nocked N Loaded
Here is my 2009 Wasatch bull-packing out the head, antlers, and cape. As if this load wasn't already heavy enough on the 2.5 mile packout, right as we began the pack back to camp a downpour of rain started. All that water soaked into the cape and seemed to add another 100 lbs. I would do it again in a heartbeat though - good times :)

More good times. Here's a couple shots of my buddy Paul and I leaving the Wyoming highcountry about 4 years ago. He got himself a fine buck that we had seen while scouting. I wounded and lost one (bummer).
Horses can sure make it easier!!!



Brian Latturner
This was last fall. My little brother took his fiance on her first hunt ever. My dad shot this little meat buck and my brother packed it out for him. His wife (now) had a great time and is itching to go on my LE elk hunt this fall with the guys......This is how he packed the buck a mile to the truck...kid needs a pack.


Packing out my first bull elk. Drew Dutton Late season 2009. I recommend becoming friends with someone that has horses before you do this hunt :)

The Freak. 17x19 stag buck that I killed in the high country of Nevada. Ugliest 200 inches you will ever see...


High country 4 point. 2007 season...

2006 Utah general season muzzleloader buck. Finally had him officially scored and he grossed 192. I got heat exhaustion packing him out and started throwing up. Had to get my brother to come finish the last part of the pack out. Still a good memory though....
Here is my worst pack out to date. I hiked the hill 6 different times in one day. Once to go up and hunt. Once to come down after the buck was down so I could meet friends at the trail head. We were unprepared with cold weather clothing and no flash light. So I went back down to get the mules. Then it was back up with one of the scariest rides Ive ever been on, total darkness, steep icy trails covered in 2" of fresh snow. All I remember was it was so slick I just held on as tight as I could on my way down. The horses would just sit down on a hind quarter and slide for 20 yards at a time. I'm just glad no one got hurt. When I finally got the buck out I was so exhausted because I had been hiking for over 24 hours straight and could hardly keep my eyes open. What a day!

You don't see this every day! I packed the horns and camp and the goat packed the quarters and back straps.

Best pack mule ever! I don't know how many of Jerry's opening morning hunts Ive ruined with a call over the radio. "I just smoked a big one!"

last but not least. Ive always like how this photo turned out. To me there is nothing better then a big velvet buck on opening day. O and my best pack mule was right there to help with the dirty work again. Thanks Jerry!
Brian - don't enter. Just some pack out photos from 2009.

Colorado bighorn

Montana bighorn - Missouri River Breaks

Wyoming Pronghorn

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
My 09 Wasatch Bull shot on the last day of the early rifle hunt. I am the tall one in Camo. My dad is the guy not in camo and it is his paint horse. My cousin and guide Steve is the other guy in the pictures.




Great pics guy's! I love this type of thread! Congrats on some great animals! Here are a few of mine!

Small 6 point I shot while hunting with my Dad! Thanks to Dad and Cory for helping me with the packout.



Another bull my Dad and Bro, and Bro in law helped me pack out. Many hands make light work!


My best bull to date.

I'm posting this one for my friend. This was his CO opening day bull. He shot this bull in the 1st 2 minutes of light and had a LONG trip back out and then back in for more.

Here's a few pack-outs from the last few years.....

Colorado 2009:

Taking the cape and antlers to camp....


Wally and I packing all the meat, antlers, capes out.


Colorado 2007:

Just completed a 1200' elevation gain.....this ol' bowhunter's feet were yelling about now.


Colorado 2006:

Fred and I packing both out our bucks at daybreak from the wilderness.....looking forward to the 7 mile trek:


California Blacktail 2006:

Nothing like packing out meat and antlers in 100 degree heat with brush choked's all good!


BOHNTR )))---------->

My dad and I with Idaho bucks from a few years ago. Got these two together high on a ridge in a steep patch of trees at 10,000 ft after spotting then stalking them for four hours.


Another Idaho buck from last year, just hitting the road after a long days pack out.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-10 AT 04:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-10 AT 02:51?PM (MST)


This is my son's first blacktail buck many years ago. He's the one on the right. The smiles say it all.
Here is a picture of my brother with the backstraps, tenderloins, neck trimmings and the antlers. The bull is a Colorado O.T.C. 5x6. We got back to camp just as the storm was moving in.


"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
In the last few years my son has been busy keepin his packmule in shape.

Cody (12) packin out his first mountain goat in 08. He had the majority of the deboned meat in his pack. I had hide, head and the remaining deboned meat in my pack.



Packin' out Cody's 07 mule deer buck.

Cody (11) packin' out his 07 Limited Entry button buck muley.

Packin out Cody's 07 6'4" black bear. Seems fitting that the MM t-shirt is covered in blood. :)

Packin out Cody's 09 7' black bear.

My little brother shot this washington bull in '09' so had to get the pony's for this pack trip a little to far in the back county for back packs
Here is my Brothers San Juan LE ELK for the 2008 Hunt Expo. We saw this guy the night before and went back the following morning. Made a 30 min climb in the dark and heard them just going crazy down the ridge at first light as we got to the top. Snuck down close and the herd was being pushed through a grove of aspens as we entered the trees this guy came barreling down right in front of us and stopped at 28 yards. My Bro knocked him down with his 300 Ultra. Tapes out at a gross score of 360!



This Hunt was my OIL Desert Sheep on the Dirty Devil Unit. I drew this with 1 point and on the second morning of a 7 day (planned hunt) I ended a dream. He was deep in the bottom of a Box Canyon that took some time to recover him. We had to come through this tight spot and we had to go back out the same way. It was awesome!


LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-10 AT 08:16PM (MST)[p]This was my 2009 general season utah bull on the ground. He was packed out to the logging road by use of a plastic sled....

Going to get the bull...

This is where innovative thinking and redneck engineering came together to make the last two miles to the truck nothing but pure enjoyment and satisfaction. To take a thought, put it on paper, build it and have it work better than expected sure makes lifes adventures much more satisfying. And yes, the whole elk is on that cart(except the hide). Boy did I get some funny looks on the way out!!
Zach with his first Barbary sheep


My boy with his first Coyote


Zach and I packing out my Barbary this year


Here we drug 2 cow elk about 5 miles with my 4 runner. All tires chained up. Oh, the guy with me thought he was Captain Morgan. We kid him about that photo.

All I can say about these 2 Elk hunts is Thank God for Pack Horses, my sons and there friends...Oh and I can't forget my sister-in-law Marcyne....Thanks for all your help.








There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.
With deep snow, gravity and good friends, sometimes this is the easiest way to pack a deer out of the bush. Here is my good buddy Steve dragging out my 06 buck.

Here's a packing method I haven't seen posted up yet. I shot this buck in 2004.

The same week I shot this whitetail too. I felt like David Thompson paddling down the river with the whitetail up front.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-10 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]This is my little brother and I packing out his first buck on the general rifle deer hunt here in central uath. He made a great 250 yard shot and had the benifit of packing out the head while my dad and I had the quarters and straps in the packs. Can't wait to do it again this year.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-10 AT 10:17PM (MST)[p]Here is my buddies bull from 09, and Trigger hauling the load once again.


Here is my favorite packout photo. It also came from my favorite hunt I've ever been on, OIL Henry's Cow Bison from 2009. After hunting very hard that week, things finally came together. It took us two days to get the animal off the mountain, but it was well worth it.

This was my buddy (Lance)'s first barbary sheep in New Mexico. The pack out was a couple miles and we made it out just before a storm hit.
It is also Lance's nephew (Brandon) and a couple of his junior javelina hunts.
Those boys are troopers! Check out the video!

To watch packout video click on link -)))----->

Lance's 2009 Barbary.

Dylan's 2010 Javelina. I didn't get to go with him on this hunt but i heard it was a good pack. We never shoot those dang pigs close to a road. His older brother (Brandon) was in the video.

My friend Matt and his archery javelina. AZ It's not much weight but after 3 miles it gets a little heavy.

This was not much of a packout but i thought it would be funny to share!
This was taken yesterday. My boy's offrange NM oryx.

Jr. and his buddy taking out the first load.


Jr. taking out the head

Here is a picture you guys have seen a few times I'm sure...this one is a reminder of a sweet hunt that took place in Western Wyoming. Picture moments like this are few and far between.


Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-10 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]This is dads bull from a couple years ago. Just lost this bull to a cabin fire.




This is my little brothers bull 3 years later.



This is my uncles deer.




If you look, most of these happen to be on the same horse, mine. Lots of hiking off the mountain and none of them were mine. That's what you get when you like pics of your horse I guess.
I'm posting these for Jude Tuft.

Jude writes, "The year is 1987. This is how my family packed bucks out for years, and still do when necessary. And yes the women in my family get out and hunt regularly. These pictures take me back to when my Grandad was instilling ethics in all the younger generations. Oh the memories they do mean so much to me and really remind me how detached our younger generations are becoming from hunting. We all need to take a child hunting and fishing more often. Back in these years everyone would tag up and hunt, including Grandma down to the very youngest. Since those years the state has made the family hunt be the spike elk season. A little tougher proposition compared to the buckskins we were packing out over an aspen. I know the one pictures in the bed of a truck, I only added it to honor my Grandma and Grandpa being proud of Gramps last hunt!"





Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-10 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]I am posting these 5 pictures for GATOR so hope that he gets back in here and tells about the hunt before the time limit is up to edit the post.

It was 09 elk hunt in AZ, we did 4 of 5 we killed 2 5x5 last day and 2 6x6 bulls in like a 4 day late season,the 5th guy passed on some really nice bulls looking for a stud bull he has a 350 class bull on the wall, so it had to be better then that he never pulled the trigger and when home happy it was a good hunt for everyone.
My bull was shot at 80 yds with a Long range 30-378. It was the first time for me in that unit and I think I found a good spot. Had alot of help from MM guys that told me some places to check out and On my way to one of those places, I found a canyon that held 12 bulls and we ended up taking 4 of them. Got love when a plan comes together. Can't wait to draw in AZ again.






Here is the deer that I took in Utah in 2009. We hunted hard for 4 long days before we finally scored on this deer for me. I had myself, and three brothers on this hunt with me helping me along the way. When we spotted this deer on the day that i killed it the morning was a rainy and very cold. We spotted it and decided to make our move on this deer. As my brother and I made our plan and started to take the route we had planned to get to our shooting spot the fog rolled in. This deer had bedded on a side of a hill at the edge of about a 15 foot cliff and a very steep hill right above where the fog rolled in. we snuck up to where we wanted to shoot from and set up for the shot and to find where the buck was at. Due to the fog we could not find this deer with the scope or the spotter at the time. My brother and i decided to wait this one out. We sat there for hours on top of this little knole through rain, sleet, and even snow at some points in time. There were several times that we were just about to give up and the fog would lift for just a moment, enough for us to spot the deer and see it was still there, though we couldnt see it well or long enough to get a shot we knew it was still there. Finally the fog started to lift enough for me to get the shot off. The bullet struck high, and the deer jumped up and looked back at us. I fired one more shot and the deer took a nasty flip backwards towards the cliff. As it rolled the horn caught in a dead cedar tree and prevented it from rolling off the cliff and down this very, very steep hill. When we saw the deer was down, the fog rolled back in and we didnt see the animal again till we actually got across the canyon and up the cliffs where this guy was at. Man am i glad that I had so much help for the pack out. This was a great hunt and a great deer to boot!




The best pack out pic I have of this buck is on my cell phone, if I can get it to my computer Ill post it up later. Thanks for looking and Allowing me to share.

Packing out of the Bob Marshal in 2009. My bull and two friends bulls antlers on this horse.
Here is my OIL Utah Moose
Head, Antlers, and plenty of Cape in one pack, and over 100 lbs in the other. One of 3 round trips.

And now back to the truck
My dad taught us to pack meat early in our hunting careers. Here are some packin' pics from 80's. My brother killed both these bucks one year. Notice the high tech backpacks. ;)



Here I am in my teens taking a break from packing out a quarter off my first elk, a late season calf.


Following my father's lead, I have brought my son up in the hunting tradition where a whole lotta hard work makes for some great memories. Here is a clip of my dad's 2008 moose which my son put together. Shows how to get a moose out of a hellhole. My then 12 year old son did 9 trips back to the truck with his pack weighing 40+ pounds each time. A day he got to share with his grandpa which the both of them will never forget.

Here are some more recent pics of my buddies packin out a couple big muleys from our late season BC Muley Camp that we do every year.

Here is the Monroe bull we got on the 09 Archery hunt here in Utah...hope to have some more of these pictures this year as the wife drew the same tag!!! Counting down the days!!!


This is my buddies, Marco and Paul packing out Marco's big buck from a few years ago. Marco took this big boy on the 3rd day of the hunt. He was quite excited. Fun stuff.
Wolfley Horses did most of the work on that one!




Brian Latturner
Wow. Awesome photos so far, hopefully I have some to share from Wyoming this fall.

Here are 2 good eastern public land whitetails shot in Virginia's national forest during 2009. I put my brother and buddy on them and then got to pack them up and out.






Here are pictures of my wife helping to pack out my cow elk opening day last year. We were hunting in SE MT and happened upon a mule deer winterkill as well. In the pic she has the winterkill plus an elk quarter, this was our second trip and by then we were on mile 6. This is one tough girl and definitely deserving of a new pack!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-10 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]Here is a pic from the packout of my 2009 Arizona Coues' deer. Beautiful country in southern AZ
Wow, Founder you have hit a good subject here, these pictures are great.I will be taking more pictures of my moose hunt in Wyoming this year. I just hope I don't have to pack it to far!!
Under ten miles would be great!
I'm looking in my photo album for pictures right now.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 07:01AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 06:58?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 06:55?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 06:49?AM (MST)

These are a couple of pictures from my Utah LE hunt last year. I love them because the horses and my boy and brother are in the pictures. The horses and my family did a fine job. My boy is 8 at the time.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]My brother packing out his 2008 archery Dall



A friend in 2008 with his first archery Lope
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]My last day Montana moose


Being a smarty pants in Wyoming

Never makes any sense to pack them uphill
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]2008 Dall, could not have been more tired.


Being Swarmed by bugs in 2007. You always pay for nice weather. A entire ram stuffed in the crewcab.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]There are some great photo's in this thread. I don't have any idea how Founder is going to pick a winner, theres just too many great packout pictures. I'm gonna join in on the fun and share a couple of my friends.

My friend Jason Macias packing out a deer in 2006.


And this is a friend of mine named Rick Loomis packin' out a buck cowboy style. I actually took a picture of a picture on this one. I've always liked this pic.


One tired packer!


Nothing like a midnight 100# pack out!

Testing out the BULLPACS!


35 1/2 inches in the Eberlestocke!


Hit the emergency button on that Spot see if they will send out the helicopter!
This one is my favorite. It's funny how those pictures you take that you think will never turn out end up being some of the best ones.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-10 AT 07:38AM (MST)[p]

Here is an oldie I took about 20 years ago.
Still one of my favorites....

High country Blacktail hunting Cali style.
The fun is over when you squeeze the trigger.
Only five more miles to go...

>For BUGLELK, but not at his

WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one of my favorites from my 2009 Wyoming bull. That is me with my horse and two mules. You can also see some sheds we found on the lead mule. When I shot that bull I was actually stalking another one and ran into him on accident at the bottom of a drainage. He was bigger than the one I was stalking and already in range so I took him at aboout 80 yards.
This is from my 2003 Stone Sheep hunt to B.C. This was the start of my addiction. I went on this hunt with my Dad to try and finish his "Grand Slam". His feet didn't last so I ended up becoming the hunter rather than the packer. The pictures are of our guide carrying my sheep out after less than 24 hours of hunting. I was able to return to B.C. in 2004 with my Dad to help him finish his Slam. I have also been fortunate enough to take all four sheep since then, two in my home state of Utah.



Heres my 09 wyoming archery buck

After all meat/cape/antlers were in the packs, it was a quick 30 minute-5.5 mile downhill ride to the truck, easiest pack out ever.

Great Picture thread!!
This is when the fun starts!
Found out he had a tick or two when they climbed from him to my neck.
Good times!
08 Dutton Bull

LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-10 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]2008 Moose, drop hunt in Alaska. Dad shot his 42" 90 minutes into the hunt, I shot a 54" 95 minutes into the hunt. Greatest 95 minutes I have ever had in my life. Only took us 13 years to go through with our plan of hunting Alaska.

We had to go through 2 lakes and some streams to get the boat to the moose but at a couple points we had to get out and drag the boat for a short distance. We also had to go over 2 beaver dams but it was still easier than carrying it over a mile.


2008 Colorado OTC, 6 days after shooting our moose I shot this 5x6 in the first evening of our hunt. Funny thing is, we were not even supposed to be hunting archery elk that year but since we got home early, I couldn't see wasting any leave :)



"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I won a tag at the 2007 expo and was able to harvest this 6x6x1. He actually has a 10" beam coming out below his right base. What a great hunt we had there, bad part was that it only lasted two days. Next time we go back, it will last longer ;-)

Was sure glad Dad was there to help and share in the our funniest moment ever hunting. The first night we had a 6x4 chase us off the mountain after dark. He thought we were another bull and wouldn't stop till after we were a good 150-200 yards into the thick nasty brush. Dad was laughing so hard after we got done running wide open through the brush and saying I almost had to waste my tag on that bull in self-defense.



Dad helping out with carrying some meat.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
[font size=+2 color=darkred]Will Pick Winner on Monday!!!
If you have pics, share them!!![/font]
[font size=+1]
You still have time to get them added.
Fun stuff !!!!!!!!

Brian Latturner
The "before" and "after" pictures.



First bull...broke him in right!!!

?The bugle of the bull elk echo?s through the pines, the north wind moans her lonesome lullaby, he hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies?somewhere beyond the great divide?
[font size=+1]Thanks everyone for sharing your photos!
Post #69 (NvrEnuf) is the winner!!! That is a great shot.[/font]

NvrEnuf, PM me your shipping details and I will get it over to Ed at Sportsman's Outdoor Products.
Everyone, next time your in the market for a new pack, keep Sportsman's Outdoor Products in mind.
They make some of the best gear around.

Brian Latturner

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