Packers Or Vikings



Of course we need a poll How else are we gonna be able to say I told you so.
Ive never had a post reach 50 much less 100 this is my best bet.
Grew up a packers fan all my life...but also a huge Favre fan. My bet is on Brett and the Vikings.

97 left...
Vikings won. You only need 93 more!:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
That guy is something else... I think Favre, and Tiger Woods, are the only pro athletes that will make me stop in my tracks while doing other things to watch them on a TV.
Heckuva job D-line, Vikings!

He impressed me........and I don't like him. Never really expected that kind of control.

I ain't a "cheesehead" either, but that guy has some kind of talent also.
I'm just doing this to put you in the flaming parchment!
50 or 100 is just too many children!!

I'm an AZ native and proud of it! I've been a Packer's for all my life. This is unreal! The Pack lost!
Favre made some great passes, but I was most impressed by Allen. That guy was an animal on defense. Very entertaining game.

Now we only need 87 more poeple saying this post aint gonna make 100.

Aaron Rogers played a great game too. I think he is a good QB but has no protection, he was sacked 8 times!! And when he wasn't getting sacked he was running for his life! Favre would never make it through another season at Green Bay like that.
>Aaron Rogers played a great game
>too. I think he is
>a good QB but has
>no protection, he was sacked
>8 times!! And when he
>wasn't getting sacked he was
>running for his life! Favre
>would never make it through
>another season at Green Bay
>like that.

Anyone that holds onto the ball as long as that retard is going to get sacked 8+ times. GET RID OF THE GD BALL!!!

Favre would throw more and get more TD's and yards if he was still playing for GB. The offensive line isn't that bad.

I noticed that every state in the union picked Favre to win except Wisconsin. He's more popular than God.
Rogers did a great job But his "O" Line sucks.
It just might be a good year for my Vikes.
If they can keep the INT'S away from Bret, Still think they should got Vick instead LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
As a Packer fan and a Farve fan I was pleased with the game as a whole. It is obvious that the line on Offense needs some help. I thought the packers played inspired football nearly to the level of college football. Many proteams hardly display that kind of emotion. I live within 90 miles of the socialist republic of minnesota, so I get to hear it from both sides. Farve is deeply respected by the Minnesota fans up to this piont in time I hope the are just as respectfull when the ball doesn't always bounce thier way.

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