PA Lawsuit Implications??


Long Time Member
There's an interesting lawsuit wending its way through the halls of justice. It involves a long-time hunting club in PA suing the state's game commission. The basis is the unauthorized surveillance by game wardens on private property. As a constitutional issue, it likely will have national implications.

Driving up and checking people at the hunting camp may or may not be a violation of people's rights. I'm not sure.

However sneaking around someone's hunting property in camo trying to witness illegal behavior is a public safety risk. People that hunt a lease with other people usually make sure they know exactly where every person is at any given time on the lease as to not shoot towards another hunter. A game warden crawling around in secret is begging to be a part of a hunting accident.

Similarly I think this idea that a wildlife official can come stick game cameras all over your property is bull5hit. In my mind this is clearly a violation of the third amendment. Its no different than if a government employee told you he was storing his work truck in your garage. You do not have to grant quarter to the government or it's property.

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