P.P. question


Long Time Member
Does anyone know if F&G has updated there P.P. totals on there website for people who just purchased a Point?

The reason i ask is my brother did not put in for the draw but he said he purchased a point.It says points would be updated Mid November but shows he only has 5.I'm wondering if he screwed up.

They were entered whenthey said they would because I keep a close check on mine and they are up to date. If he thinks he has more than their records show, he will need to call them and be prepared to show that he applied and his credit card was tapped for the PP money. They will not just take your word for it and he will have to have some proof for them to up his PP total to what he thinks it should be. It's almost impossible to make a mistake doing PPs and licenses on line the way it is set up. Let us know what happens after he checks into it.
They can and do oftentimes have problems. Just today I checked on a buddies account that I opened last Fall for PP only. Showed 0 points for all species today! I contacted them and they confirmed that I was right (I ahd the receipt if necessary) and rectified it. Damn hard to beat WY customer service. Give them a call.
Got it figured out he's a knucklehead.After asking him again he say's he probably didn't purchase the P.P.

This all started earlier in the year he told me for various reasons he would not be applying for or going on any more out of state hunts.Since he had max points for Deer i told him instead of throwing them away i would pay for the point and i would use his max points to average mine up when i applied for deer again(drew this year so i'm back to 0 ).

I guess next year i'll have to do it for him when i do mine.
Thanks for the replys
So you're saying he's got $200 worth of PPs and is going to let them lapse unless you pay for one? If you do that, I guess that means that you will also pay for his license to do that whether he goes or not. If that's the case, it may be cheaper to look at paying the special price for a tag in the unit you want to hunt if you can do that and get a tag just for yourself. I can't believe someone had max PPs and then decides to just quit hunting!
Like i said TOPGUN he's a knucklehead.

But truthfully unlike me (i'm a bit obsessed) as far as hunting he could take it or leave it.He wouldn't even know when to put in if i didn't tell him.

Yes after paying for the points the last 5 years he was going to throw it away (i think he's getting presure from the wife).

And yes i would pay for his license and it would not be used.I drew this year if he had max that would give me 3 points i would have to check and see what that would get me.

When you play the point game you have to keep all your options open.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-11 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]oilcan stated: "i'm a bit obsessed"

Sounds like you and I are both very similar in what we like to do, as I'm the same way as you, LOL! He's already cost you 1/2 PP on the average deal for this year and that's very significant the way Wyoming runs the draw, but I probably don't need to tell you that! Maybe you can buy him and yourself a PP this year and then get a leftover license for yourself somewhere or maybe buy the Special tag in an area where you could draw a tag with no PPs. Then you will have an average of 3.5 PPs for the draw next year if he decides he wants to hunt. There is one other alternative and that's to use the numbskull for target practice!!!
Well Top if we where still kids I could just beat some sense into him but I'm to old for that.LOL
Buy his points but no license then use him to party app when you decide to hunt that species. If you have his info you can do it all yourself.

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