overtons' Irish duck hunt


Long Time Member
Ransom asked if I would post the photo of him and his "Gilly"

Question: Are those really loons?


Ransom, never turn your back to those turtle infested waters!


Looks like the gilly has a habit of choking his loon. Moving on to hunting, the turtles were so big that my combo weapon wasn't enough fire power. And I fought off the Vikings at the River Liffey. They were Dane's and they didn't give a rats ass when I told them that my YDA was Danish. Then moving on to fishing, the trout were so big it took 2 grown men to hold them up for photos. As in my previous report I'm an Official Irish Whiskey and Guinness Beer taster. I was offered a job at the Waterford Crystal Factory since I showed so much talent when cutting and etching the crystal while viewing the plant and I also cured cancer in my spare time between meals while my wife was busy doing silly womens stuff in town.
End of report.

Overton ......are you saying you sport a Diamond Cutter, we may have to ask the wifey.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
It's a good thing.....read Joseph Wambaughs, The Choirboys. Blue veiners and diamond cutters...LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
>It's a good thing.....read Joseph Wambaughs,
>The Choirboys. Blue veiners
>and diamond cutters...LOL.
>from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

It's a very good thing... diamond cutters being the ultimate followed close by blue veiners.. I read Mr. Wambaughs books. I think those are very good analogies.


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