Overtons Giant Whitetail


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-07 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]Story to follow as I haven't had time yet to make one up.
Okay here is the story. At first glance it does resemble Kilowatts big buck and hunter. But with closer examination it's plain to see that my buck is at least 10 to 15 points bigger.
This buck was taken at Ely, Nevada. Timerhunter was my guide.
I know that some of you are going to say there's no whities in Nevada. You just have to look harder to find them there is all.


thats a monster Ransom. Wish it was gray, then you would have a real monster
You stole Kilowatts pic and started your own thread two minutes later???? Ransom, your killing me.
Is that a tag in his ear? hmmm im on to you...theres nooo way you killed that buck... I dont believe it for a min....

Would I ever joke about something like that? Thats me its just bad lighting. The buck was okay but you should have seen the one that got away through a hole in the fence. I later talked to the owner of the deer farm and he has since patched it up. Hunts start at $20k.

Nice buck Ransom. Nice hat too! I doubt that's Nevada though. Even trees in Nevada don't get that big.


Thanks! I have no doubt that you are sincere. I'm real happy with my buck and my nice hat.
Good luck fishing or whatever you do up there in winter in Siberia or I mean extreme NW Kali.

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