Overton survives Hurricane Flossie


Long Time Member
Well not really. Its still going on and getting worse. I just wanted the topic ready incase I live through it. If so I'll revise it in the morning. If not, I'm sorry I took the trail cam. AWOLELOTTABULL- sorry if I tried to provoke you but that might change should I live. AWHOLELOTTABULL, in Alabama thats what we call a story teller. You do know that I figure if I keep up these posts some of you guys will stop calling me a newbie. Thats a goat isn't it?

Well- I see that nobody gives a hoot! And the hurricane turned into just a good rain storm which really was needed around here anyway.

What kind of name is Flossie for a hurricane anyway? She didn't sound too menacing to me. Flossie is a good name for a goat or a sheep. LOL

Glad you made it through unscathed. Send some of that rain here, would ya?
Not easily provoked there overton. I'm a lover not a fighter. Don't frett the "newbie stuff". Everybody goes through it when they first get on here. Hell, I'm still a newbie compared to some these computer hounds.

It's always an adventure!!!
Me too. Did not want to go to a watery grave with enemies.
Saw your website...Cool!
Whats up with NASCAR racing in yankee states?
It's gotten really popular in the last several years around here. All of my family was raised in the deep south and I grew up watching racing. I know in the south it's a religion. It's not that popular out here yet but it's well on it's way.

It's always an adventure!!!
Could be that we are very concerned for you, but don't want to push you over the edge.
One of the early signs of cabin fever & tension is when people start referring to themselves in 3rd person....
What! I am over the edge! A person knows it when they write theirself, themself and their doplleganger a note and then get insulted. By the way are you a yankee?
And on to other matters... AWHOLELOTTABULL my family is also from the deep south. 8 great, gg and ggg granddads served in the CSA. Thats where I adopted overton as my ggreatdad was an overton sharpshooter. I'm glad that someone in my line could shoot straight.


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