Over Half the Members Gone....

2/3 gone. Cleaned it out the other day. Moving the thread to the Campfire as it has nothing to do with hunting.

Brian Latturner
Who moderates the moderators??....lol


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-09 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]>Moving the thread to the Campfire as it has nothing to do with >hunting.

Ouch! Dang! That one is gonna leave a mark.

Well I say adios to those guys anyway. They probably never came to the campfire which is about the ONLY place I come to here.

Edit: Of course Founder, you realize that this means the approval rating of us jokers on the campfire just more than doubled. I'm feeling more popular by the minute. :)
This may be a simple answer, but if they are gone from the site does it mean their posts are gone as well if i searched for something?


has anyone seen my kittie
Does this mean some once infamous MM handles are now available? Somebody could probably have some fun with that...lol

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Did Kilowatt just get a spanking? Coooool!

No wonder I have been in a bad mood all day and I thought it was that liberal beech I went to school with that upset me. lol
Guess I will have to say sorry to her now......like heck I will.
NO ONE is safe around here.

CRAP!!!! I'm having an identity crisis.

Over 400 of my alter egos just got killed!

you all will pay.......urrrrrrp!

>my post got nuked over in
>the gear forum because i
>was advertising. www.wyominglostandfound.com

Well I have not had a post nuked in about a month but the last one I got not only nuked but slapped around a little (won't say by who but he has a little blue man by his name that begins with F) so I have been behaving myself and being a good boy.

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