Outfitters are now loving I161



Looks like things are working out for everyone with the passage of I161!The same outfitter that was completely against the passage of I161 now has so much business he has to look for new land to lease on Craigslist,with less than a month less until the start of archery big game season I hope they find something soon!

Craiglist add...
Passage of i-161 has made it possible to expand our outfitting operation in Montana. We are actively looking for elk/whitetail/mule deer hunting leases. Paying top dollar for quality property. Call and let us know what you have. References available on request. Eric Albus, Milk River Outfitters #2940, (406)648-549four.
NONYAMT---Head up his azz here, LOL! Do you have any idea what the going rate per acre is out there for land these guys are leasing the hunting rights on?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-11 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]LoL,I dont know what the average is but I know what we and our cousins have been offered and it was less than the Block Management program would pay.Im sure there are some outfitters that pay well for outstanding pieces that hold trophy class animals,maybe with all the new business coming in from I161 the rates have gone up,thats probably why they are using craigslist a couple weeks before the season to find land to put all the hunters they booked on....either that or they see all the out of staters posting on there looking for hunting leases because they dont want to use outfitters now that they can get tags every year and they think this little add is going to somehow undermine I161?IDK Either way they are happy with the outcome now and they have the people of MT who voted for it to thank,them and all their outfitting buddies who voted against the bill should be grateful everyone else saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
I cannot decipher your post above - but I did not vote for 161. I do like Albus.. super good guy from my old stopmping grounds. I hope he finds some guys to lease from, he does a good job.
Don't be harrassing my old buddy as I thought it was clear as mud---just kidding NONYAMT! I think I understood what you meant and just speaking for myself, I would have voted for 161 if I was a MT resident. These outfitter subsidies, including the WY nonresident wilderness rule, are a bunch of BS!
I think all those guys that have been using the outfitter sponsored license are all going to be hunting MT and using the outfitters anyway.
They just have no idea how to go about doing things on their own.
Not for me, can't imagine hunting with a guide.
As far as I161 don't know how long it will last but I like the 100% draw. Even though I hardly ever missed out on the NR BG Combo. When I did I got an alternate.
I'll end up spending more then a $1,000 for licenses for 5 trips and 5 weeks in Montana this Fall, money well spent.
I161 was the best thing to happen to MTs hunting since they did away with game farm hunting.Pretty surprised to see a big name outfitter looking for more land on GRAIGSLIST,you would think there are much better outlets for leasing hunting land,it did follow up a couple out of staters who just posted looking for hunting leases,its probably a little late in the game for any of them to lease land for this season thats worth having.

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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