Out of state license application numbers



Do you think that with the current economic outlook that licences applications from out of staters are goint to decline and by how much? I for one am only applying to two states instead of my normal three. I'm having a hard time finding partners with enough cash to make the apps this year first time I have had a hard time filling my camp .
I'm not going to cut back.

I applied in 6 states last year:

AK (home); CO; NM; NV; UT and WY

Hoping to draw a LE sheep tag in AK this year (uh huh, sure thing)

I could probably draw a UT deer tag (6 NR Pts) or WYO (2 NR Pts for Deer and Elk).

I'd prefer to hunt late Oct or Nov.

If you need someone to hunt in WYO, lemme know.

My only real hope for UT is in the random draw.
You might have a partner in wy. as I only have two pts there as well as two in mt.
I'll keep you in mind if I'm successful i the draw. My brother will also be applying in these two states tooo.
I got affected last year, Ive gone to Utah 3 years in a row, wont go this year unless I get my archery deer in Jan here in Az. then I dont have a choice unless I stay home.

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