Before you write off those "little blacktails", and since you are just getting into bowhunting, take another look. CA has the most B&C record blacktail bucks and they are available on lots of public land in the northern part of the state. And they are, IMHO, the hardest "big" game animal to hunt with a bow...
Big muleys, especially any that make "the book" are a worthy opponent and the dream all westerners dream of, but there are fewer in the state of CA than in other western states.
And that will require more costs, more time and more years to build up the points needed to get drawn in the more premium state draws.
A few states have OTC bow tags, but they are usually in areas that are lesser quality or that have fewer big bucks. I hunt eastern Oregon every year with such a tag and get into bucks that would make any hunter bow or rifle proud, but this area is not known to have many bucks at all. It takes persistance and lots of luck.
You mentioned "going to Africa", and for someone 17 years old, that smacks of having money... You might look into guided hunts on private ranches(land owner tags), that cost but allow more access to good bicks with less hunters. Do a search on this site and there will be more than enough info to get you started...
Although I have never been to Africa, everyone I know that has been, raves about it.
Stop Global Whining