Out of State Hunting



So, I'm sure I am way behind most of you guys here on the learning curve of out of State draws, but I was just curious to find out from other California guys what their out of State plans are...

IE: How many States do you guys put in for? and how many different species do you target? and how much money do you tie up in application fees for out of State draws?

I'm just getting started in out of State draws, and currently only have 1 point for elk and 1 point for deer in Wyoming. Next application "season" I am hoping to concentrate my efforts on Wyo, Arizona and Nevada.
welcome to m.m.
I put in for wy, az,Id,Ut,Co, mt, Or, nm,nv, on most all game. I draw 2-5 tags a year.
It took me a good 8-10 years to start pulling great tags, there is a few tricks , but mostly you have to do your time in the points system.
I have been wanting to do a over the counter whitetail hunt in Idaho at my brothers house for many years , but it never fales ,I draw something some where that conflicts the dates.
So theres many hunts to do even if you dont draw a controlled tag. Be flexable ,take a few risk and go for it.
A lot of it depends on what you want to do, your patience and your age. I'm 41 y/o and have been putting in for most western states for quite a while. For example I'm at 17 points for LE deer in UT, max in CA and WY, and in the teens for many other species in other states too.

Some hunts would be so hard to get at this point that it may not be worth it for you. A couple of examples would be AZ strip deer hunts and their early rifle elk hunts are two that I wouldn't go after if I was just starting out. Nearly all pronghorn hunts in AZ would be a wast of time too for someone just starting out. However, for only a few points you could have an incredible December Coues hunt in AZ.

If you want to hunt sooner than later or at least have a chance at drawing, look at how the draw systems work in each state. For someone just starting out Nevada is going to be a good place to start. ID and NM are good places too as there are no point systems there.

My adage is apply for everything and hope for one tag a year. the last few years that has worked, but so far nothing this year for me. The costs from this approach can be high and could result in issues with the wife. My wife is super understanding and didn't blink too bad when she saw a single $7,700 charge this year for the NM draw. I didn't draw so most of it was refunded. In total this year I think I'm out around $1,600 in licenses and app fees and I apply in CA, AZ, NM, UT, CO, NV, WY and ID. It could be a lot more if I had drawn a tag or if I draw one with the next few states that are due to come out. A sheep tag in AZ would cause that dollar figure to nearly double!
We hunt WY nearly every year. If we don't draw the Region D tag, there is always leftovers for Region J. I then put in for Utah LE deer, Nevada deer, Colorado for a point (7 now) and California. I figure that I can draw a Utah and CO tag every 3 years or so and same with a NV tag. I know I'll always be hunting in WY so anything else is a bonus. Next year I will look to burn my CO points and that will be my 2nd hunt for the year (WY is for sure). This year I am hunting in WY and got lucky and drew a NV deer tag. I also put my son in for all of these hunts along with an AZ junior hunt for him. If he gets drawn for that, I'll need to juggle some dates but I'll make it happen. I figure I spend about $2000 on apps and end up spending half of that on tags that I draw. Now that my son is 12 and he'll be along with me, I'll probably double that amount. Cost doesn't matter, it's time with my son that is priceless.

Next year I'll also start applying for general units in AZ...something I haven't done yet.

M'Balz Es Hari
If anyone has any questions about applying in Az feel free to send me a pm. I would be willing to help explain the process and recommend some hunts.

Adam Young
Queen Creek, Az
I'm no longer near the outa state player that i once was. Used to be that for most trips and States we hunted, Nevada was a exception, you could just go buy over the counter papers to go hunt. I miss those days! With $1000. in your pocket on outset, if you did it right, you could hunt 2 states anyway, take a month or so doing it, and have steak and eggs most mornings. (Back in the 70's, there was a eggs n juice joint in Gunnison Co that had a predawn special that was like $2.50 w/coffee lol. Couldn't beat it anywhere!!)

Right now, i'm just collecting points, if i don't draw out, in Wy, Nv, and here. Don't forget Calif!! Some excellent opportunity there, you can just about bank on hunting these northern Muley's at least every 3-4 years or so, better hunts maybe a bit longer in between. Also, the Antelope hunting here is World Class IMO. I'm maxed out on Sheep and Elk but wish me luck as even with max points, those hunts are still and will be, long odds!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I still play the bonus point game in many states. It is getting so hard to draw a decent tag you need to put in for several states if you want to get some decent hunts. This is the first year in a long time I'm not hunting out of state because we didn't feel we had a good chance for a good hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-13 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]Hirsch, you don't say how old you are, or what your budget is, and those two things can affect what a good strategy might be.

That said, here is what I've done. I've been playing the points game in most western states for quite a few years, both for my son and self. I'm 54 and my son will be 26 next month. To date, we've drawn some really good tags including: Arizona Kaibab 12AE late deer (son, with 9 points), Arizona 5BS muzzleloader bull (son, with 5 points), Arizona 9 late rifle bull (me), Wyoming 4 moose (me), Utah Monroe LE elk and youth any bull, California Lassen and Nevada 041 antelope (son) and this year I drew one of the best Nevada rifle elk tags. We've drawn other really nice tags, but those are some of the highlights. I started applying my son in most states with a point system as soon as he was old enough, so he has lots of points in most states.

At first, it can seem like you'll never draw, but persistence pays off. In the next five years my son and/or I fully expect to draw Wyoming moose in one of the top 2 units (son), Arizona strip deer (me), Utah LE elk (son), Arizona archery elk in top unit (me), Arizona antelope (both), Deer, elk and maybe antelope in Oregon (both), and have a darn good shot at more tags. In 5-7 years, we will both be in the max points group for Wyoming bighorn.

The point I'm trying to make with the above illustration is that it takes time and some investment, but if you put in for multiple states each and every year, you'll draw lots of good tags in due time. Of course, it does cost some money each year.

I believe the key is, after understanding each state's system, is to apply in as many states as you can afford, for the species you're interested in hunting. Nevada has a great system, as bonus points are weighted. Arizona is tough to draw the very best hunts, but there are a lot of 2nd tier hunts that are still great hunts. Oregon is a preference point state that gives out very few non-resident tags, so you may decide to skip that state. A lot of guys like Colorado, but with point creep it is almost impossible to draw a tag for a premium unit for late deer or early elk given that you're just starting out. Colorado still has tons of good hunts for deer and elk that you can draw every few years. California is a sleeper state, so if you live here you have to apply. There are some very good deer shot every year (a buddy of mine just shot an X zone buck that grosses over 200" by a fair bit), and our antelope, elk and desert sheep hunting can be excellent. Wyoming is a preference point state where you can draw nice deer, elk, antelope tags every few years, though you'll likely need 30+ years to get preference in bighorn sheep drawings. Moose is realistic in around 10 years in most units.

If I were starting out today, I'd figure out what species I want and I'd apply in Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah, California, Colorado. Idaho and New Mexico do not have point systems so everyone is on equal footing each year, so they also have a lot of merit. Montana is also very much worth applying in, and you can get a deer/elk combo license most years.
Caelknuts those are some great tags.
One question how in the world did your son draw the Arizona Kaibab 12AE late deer (son, with 9 points)?
Was this years ago?
My son drew that tag 7 years ago. Even then, he drew it with less than maximum points. Had his 19th birthday on the hunt, and killed a 188" buck 5 days later. He'll turn 26 in late November.
hey hirschhunter I saw your handle and I said to my self that's
my handle. I guess we can share. I also live in California .
and i'am looking to start with points game. but mine has to
be next few years because of age at 60 there's no time to waste.
maybe we are related. I know there's Hirsch's all over. I have
been deer hunting and varmint hunting 35 years there in ca.
I just got my grandson his first deer we saw a lot nice bucks
up in x9a. so anyway good luck hirschhunter.
That's funny, and here I thought I had a unique handle!BTW, Hirsch isn't my last name. I bought a german dog a few years back, a Drahthaar to be exact. Learned some German words through the testing process and whever I'd go to sign up for a forum, "DeerHunter" was always taken. so I just replaced Deer with the German version of it, Hirsch and it took. Never thought I'd run into another guy with the same handle.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. BTW, I am 29 years old and I am currently applying much the advice you laid out in your first post in this thread. I have decided to focus on 3 states currently, well 4 with California (my home State). I want to do it all: Deer, sheep, elk, moose and antelope.

The 3 States where I am spending money are: Nevada, Wyoming and Arizona.

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