

I don't know who the author is but he makes some very good
President Bush did make a bad mistake in the war on terrorism.
But the mistake was not his decision to go to war in Iraq. Bush's
mistake came in his belief that this country is the same one his father
fought for in WWII. It is not. Back then, they had just come out of a
vicious depression. The country was steeled by the hardship of that
depression. But they still believed fervently in this country. They knew
that the people had elected their leaders, so it was the people's duty to
back those leaders.
Therefore, when the war broke out the people came together,
rallied behind, and stuck with their leaders, whether they had voted for
them or not or whether the war was going badly or not. And war was just as
distasteful and the anguish just as great then as it is today. Often there
were more casualties in one day in WWII than we have had in the entire Iraq
war. But that did not matter. The people stuck with the President because
it was their patriotic duty. Americans put aside their differences in WWII
and worked together to win that war. Everyone from every strata of society,
from young to old pitched in. Small children pulled little wagons around to
gather scrap metal for the war effort. Grade school students saved their
pennies to buy stamps for war bonds to help the effort.
Men who were too old or medically 4F lied about their age or
condition trying their best to join the military. Women doubled their work
to keep things going at home. Harsh rationing of everything from gasoline
to soap, to butter was imposed, yet there was very little complaining.
You never heard prominent people on the radio belittling the
President. Interestingly enough in those days there were no fat cat actors
and entertainers who ran off to visit and fawn over dictators of hostile
countries and complain to them about our President. Instead, they made
upbeat films and entertained our troops to help the troops' morale. And a
bunch even enlisted. And imagine this: Teachers in schools actually started
the day off with a pledge of allegiance, and with prayers for our country
and our troops!
Back then, no newspaper would have dared point out certain
weak spots in our cities where bombs could be set off to cause the maximum
damage. No newspaper would have dared complain about what we were doing to
catch spies. A newspaper would have been laughed out of existence if it had
complained that German or Japanese soldiers were being "tortured" by being
forced to wear women's underwear, or subjected to interrogation by a woman,
or being scared by a dog or did not have air conditioning.
There were a lot of things different back then. We were not
subjected to a constant bombardment of pornography, perversion and
promiscuity in movies or on radio. We did not have legions of crackheads,
dope pushers and armed gangs roaming our streets.
No, President Bush did not make a mistake in his handling of
terrorism. He made the mistake of believing that we still had the courage
and fortitude of our fathers. He believed that this was still the country
that our fathers fought so dearly to preserve. It is not the same country.
It is now a cross between Sodom and Gomorra and the land of Oz. We even
have the wicked witch of the west as the new Speaker of the House of
We did unite for a short while after 911, but our attitude
changed when we found out that defending our country would require some
NOW HEAR THIS! We are in great danger. The terrorists are
fanatical Muslims. They believe that it is okay, even their duty, to kill
anyone who will not convert to Islam. It has been estimated that about one
third or over three hundred million Muslims are sympathetic to the
terrorists' cause
Hitler and Tojo combined did not have nearly that many
potential recruits.

We either win it - or lose it - and you ain't gonna like losing.

" We did unite for a short while after 911, but our attitude
changed when we found out that defending our country would require some sacrifices.
NOW HEAR THIS! We are in great danger. The terrorists are
fanatical Muslims. They believe that it is okay, even their duty, to kill anyone who will not convert to Islam. It has been estimated that about one third or over three hundred million Muslims are sympathetic to the terrorists' cause."

There inlies the crux of the situation. If you read some history on Islam before and after the Crusades, what the Koran and Hadeeth says, you will understand just how deep we are in right now. The Koran tells Muslims what is required of them and if it is not followed to the letter then they are not true Muslims but instead infedels. The Koran, unlike the Bible, is a Prescriptive book when it comes to Jihad. The Koran outlines what is to be done in Jihad. The Koran states any land that has been inhabited by Islam must be conquered and converted to Islam. Before the Crusades Islam controled much of Europe. The Crusaders beat them back into the middle East. But now Islam is on the verge of taking back over their lands in Europe. Why do you think Christopher Colubus set sail? He was looking for an alternate trade rout to the East because the friggin Muslims had blocked the over land trade routs to China.
Look folks the focus of our war needs to be changed from the "War on Terror" to the "War on Islam Jihadist." Terror is nothing more than an action. You can not have a war on an action. You have wars against another people. Islam Jihadist are people. Changing Americans views and educating them on the terrible flaws of the Islamic religon and how Islam preaches war/Jihad is the only way we will win this deal. Islam must change or be beaten back as they were durring the crusades.
There are those within the Islamic religon that are calling for a revamping of Islam to bring Islam into the 21 century. To get rid of the Jihadist portions of Islam. God I hope they can do it.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-07 AT 06:50AM (MST)[p]OK so above I just lined out that the Koran calls for reconquering any land once inhabited by Islam. Now here is an article published by Muslim Weekly outlining how America was actually discovered by Islam and not Christopher Columbus. So what does that mean? Islam must retake America according to the Koran.
I don't just make this crap up. I report, you decide.

The Muslim Weekly http://www.themuslimweekly.com
23 AUG 2007

Islam in America before Columbus
By Hisham Zoubeir

Before the West declared themselves the great scientists of the earth, before their own Renaissance, Muslims already were making discoveries in science that took the West hundreds of years to even begin to imagine. What a shame that people in Europe were being persecuted by the Church for their suppositions that the earth was round; they should have come to the Islamic world?- an Afghan Muslim had proved that in 793 C.E.!

However, the studying of the universe brought forth more questions, and more curiosity. The Muslims in West Africa were so intrigued by what was on the other side of the Great Sea, that they began their expeditions into the great unknown. Early reports of these travels are sketchy, but we can be sure that they crossed the Atlantic by 889 C.E.

That was 603 years before Columbus. And that is not counting the actual physical evidence in the United States today that dates back even further; however, we do know, as De Lacy O?Leary pointed out, that Muslims definitely had the scientific knowledge and skill to make journeys across the Atlantic ocean.

We were in the Americas, hundreds of years before Columbus, and of that we can be sure.

Clyde-Ahmad Winters. Barry Fell. Alexander Von Wuthenau. Ivan Van Sertima. What do they have in common? A lot. They all provided evidence to the above statement; and it is a statement of fact, not an opinion, although many have chosen to ignore it.

Now, we are all aware of the grave tragedy that befell the various African people after the discovery of America. Many people from there were forcefully taken from their homes to America, to serve the people who had taken over that land. Black slavery. We also know, for a fact, that many of these people were indeed Muslims; that has never been in dispute, nor should it be. Clyde Ahmad Winters has given us details of how huge numbers of Muslims were brought to Latin America in a 1978 issue of Al-Ittihad: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies, although later on in 1543, Muslims in Spanish colonies were ejected from them by the residing government.

Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Qur?an. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Muslims were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born. Carved heads that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.

And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America.

Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a Mosque. Remnants of other Masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.

On the second voyage Columbus took to the West Indies, the people of Haiti told him that "black" people had been there before him. They showed him spears of these visitors, and further study of the metals involved in their construction showed that they could have been made only in one place: Guinea.

Another historian, P.V. Ramos, also showed in his essay in "African Presence in Early America" that the dietary regulations of the Carib were similar to Islamic teachings.

But let us say that we are wrong. Perhaps it is all just a coincidence; after all, there are no living survivors of the Native American Muslims, are they?

Wrong. And this last part is what originally drew me into this quest for knowledge: an expos? written by a Native Muslim.

Brother Mahir Abdal-Razzaaq El wrote in his account, posted on the Internet, about the Native Americans that were Muslims. He is of the Cherokee tribe; known as Eagle Sun Walker, and a Pipe Carrier Warrior of the Cherokees in New York. He tells of Muslim travellers that came to his land over one thousand years ago, and what is more important, existing evidence of legislation, treaties and resolutions that prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt that Muslims were in the Americas and very active. Although these documents have not been written after 1492, it is still interesting to note that Islam was in fact there. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 have the signatures of Abdel-Khak and Mohammed Bin Abdulla. According to a federal court case from the Continental Congress, Native Muslims helped put life into the constitution.

These are a matter of record; they cannot be disputed. Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means, "Allah will deliver you sometime in the future". In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.

The truth of Islam and the truth of the Native American culture is one and the same; many people hundreds of years ago realised that. The protection of the land and of the animals; the non-wastage of resources and the non-pollution of nature are all Islamic concepts.

I finish this article with a few Native sayings. And then, I want you to tell me that Islam is not nurtured in the hearts of these people.

"Our belief is that the Great Spirit has created all things. Not just mankind but animals, all plants, all rocks, all on earth and amongst the stars with true soul. For us, all life is holy. All of nature is within us and we are part of all nature." Chief White Cloud

"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night." Crowfoot

"In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty- the duty of prayer - the daily recognition of the Unseen and the Eternal." Ohiyesa

Allahu akbar. Salaam wa allaykum wa rakhmatullah wa barakatu.
From the Philippines

Philippines militants turn to YouTube

August 21, 2007 - 3:20PM

Al-Qaeda-linked extremists in the Philippines have turned to the wildly popular Internet video-sharing website YouTube in an apparent attempt to raise cash and recruits, the military said Tuesday.

For the first time, two video clips from the Abu Sayyaf group, responsible for some of the worst terror attacks in the Philippines, have been posted on the site.

Military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Bartolome Bacarro said the clips were taken from a one-hour video that was distributed throughout the Arabic-speaking jihadist community.

He said the speakers used Arabic apparently to appeal to wealthy would-be benefactors from the Middle East.

The armed forces, which is mounting a bloody major offensive against Abu Sayyaf strongholds on the southern islands of Jolo and Basilan, dismissed the YouTube posting as an "act of desperation."

The clips showed Abu Sayyaf founder Abdurajak Janjalani, who founded the group with money from Al-Qaeda in the early 1990s, as well as younger brother and replacement Khadaffy Janjalani.

Abdurajak Janjalani was killed by security forces on Basilan in 1998 while his brother died last year on Jolo.

"This just shows the Abu Sayyaf is in disarray," Bacarro said.

"Why is it that the former leadership of the Abu Sayyaf are speaking, why not the current leadership who are asking support? Why the dead?"

The Abu Sayyaf burst on to the international scene in 2000 and 2001 with a series of spectacular kidnappings of western tourists in the Philippines and Malaysia, whom they ransomed for cash to buy weapons.

The group has also been blamed for deadly bombings, including an attack on Manila's rail system and a ferry that killed more than 100 people, the worst single act of terror in the Philippines.
RE: From the Philippines

Nochawk, the first part of your post is what made America great and the second part is what will tear it apart....pretty simple.
RE: From the Philippines

Many things have changed over the years, they'll keep changing. WWII was truly the greatest generation, but blaming Bush's poor decisions and failures on Americans in general is as poor of excuse as one could come up with. this country pulled together after 9/11 better than most thought possible, there's nothing wrong with the people of this nation just our leadership. we're working on that, and that's what you're whining about. funny stuff boys.
RE: From the Philippines

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-07 AT 08:39AM (MST)[p]

> Many things have changed over
>the years, they'll keep changing.
>WWII was truly the greatest
>generation, but blaming Bush's poor
>decisions and failures on Americans
>in general is as poor
>of excuse as one could
>come up with. this country
>pulled together after 9/11 better
>than most thought possible, there's
>nothing wrong with the people
>of this nation just our
>leadership. we're working on that,
>and that's what you're whining
>about. funny stuff boys.

hunt you sure have alot of faith in the Dems being able to pull us out of this mess?...

"And imagine this: Teachers in schools actually started the day off with a pledge of allegiance, and with prayers for our country and our troops!" WOW.......I even remember those days
RE: From the Philippines

Who said I have faith in the dems? it's going to take both dems and anti occupation republicans to get us out of this mess. as the B/H report says there are no good options, but some bad options are better than others.

Things aren't near as bad as you make it sound guys, just because the people are taking their country back the most incompetent administration in history doesn't mean all is lost. even if it were as bad as you say what's your solution? you don't like it when the people choose it seems so where does that take us? a dictator? let's make Hillary our dictator and I'll bet you quit whining about how bad it is today. we're either a free country or we're not, get over it.
RE: From the Philippines

Everybody blames Bush, and yeah he is at fault, but no more than any other federal politician. When we declared war on Iraq, did it not have to be passed in both The House of Representatives and Congress? Sure did. And it passed overwhelmingly well. Do u actually think that Bush just said "Lets invade Iraq" and off we went? Come on now, this is middle school knowledge. I never said that I am backing Bush, its just it gets old when everybody tries to say he made the mistake.It was ALL of our great politicians.

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