Our Colorado Trip (Lots of Pics)


Long Time Member
Me and the wifee went to CO last week to do some sight seeing. The weather could not have been better, we had a great trip and saw several sights I had not seen in CO before. Thought I'd post some pics for some of you guys to see. Some of the rest of you probably get to see this stuff daily but there are a few more poor souls on here like me that live back east that may enjoy seeing them.

We were there from 8-26 to 8-30. We flew to Denver and rented a car and just drove around. We headed north up through Estes Park and Rocky Mtn National Park, then took the scenic route down to Glenwood Springs, then headed down to Aspen, then on to Colorado Springs and then back to Denver.

It was killing me to be there on opening weekend of archery season and not be hunting x( My wife said she would never go out there with me again that close to hunting season LOL!

Entering the park

Stacie & Me



Some Sheep





Some Elk

The bedded bull on the right was the biggest one we saw



Glenwood Springs hot sulfur springs, this was Stacie's favorite part of the trip. The sign said something like 3 million gallons of water a day come up through the ground here at approx 122 degrees! They cool it off to 104 for one pool and 94 in the other larger pool.

Doc Holiday Memorial


Ashcroft Ghost Town


This bear was right in the middle of town in Aspen, the Aspen police had the streets roped off and were waiting for him to come down and were going to try to usher him back to the woods.
This was at 3:30pm, they had been babysitting him since 6:30am!




Seven Falls waterfall


Driving up Pikes Peak


Looking off Pikes Peak back towards Colorado Springs


Hope you guys like the pics!
"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
VERY cool pics!!! Thanks for sharing! We went to Grand Lake for a week a few years ago, and the country was SPECTACULAR!!! Rocky Mt. National Park brought back some memories!!!


Really cool pics. But I didn't see a rifle or a bow in any of them. Did the airlines lose your luggage?
Thanks for the pics!! I had never seen the DOC memorial. I also had no idea they don't know where he is really barried. All those pics are great. Thanks for sharing.


Later, Brandon
Looks like you had a great trip. Nice pictures, I liked the Holliday history. That would be tough not being able to hunt and seeing lots of animals.
Looks like a great trip, you got to see many good sites. we're heading over to Estes to see some friends in a couple weeks. always neat to see a bunch of dumb bull elk within arms reach blowing snot in your face.

See any goats on Pikes?
>See any goats on Pikes?

Didn't see any, we didn't stay up there too long. Stacie was freezing, it was 40 degrees and windy, thundering, lightening, and spitting a little rain/sleet/snow mix.

I really wanted to see some goats but we didn't see any the entire trip.
"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
Nice pictures, but no naked girls in Hot Springs Pool, what a let down. j/k
Nice pictures and glad you had a good trip.

Nice pics...I need to go there someday..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
looks like a good time. on your "scenic route" to Glenwood, did you drive thru Burns down to gypsum? lots of sheep on that road.(along the Colorado river)
Great pictures. Makes me homesick for Colorado. Lived there for nine years and loved it. Actually worked in Glenwood Springs. The photos of RMNP were my favorite - that is my favorite national park.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
>looks like a good time. on
>your "scenic route" to Glenwood,
>did you drive thru Burns
>down to gypsum? lots of
>sheep on that road.(along the
>Colorado river)

No, we got off that dirt road, I think it was called "Trough Road", I can't remember now for sure but we got on 131 south and took it down to Wolcott and then rode I70 to Glenwood.
"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
Even though a lot of us live in the west we still appreciate the beauty around us. Great photos, glad you & the wifey had a good time.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-09 AT 03:53PM (MST)[p]cant remember the name, but the trough road from Kremmling to state bridge? shoulda hung a left off 131, consult with me next time:)
looks like a great trip glad you had fun in this great state and some nice bulls

Thank you for sharing your trip here with us. I truly enjoy seeing the West in pics posted here by the members. You folks that live out there are extremely blessed to be in such a gorgeous place. Makes me very envious of y'all. Thanks again!
Looks like you had an awesome trip! Great pics too. Next time you have to sneak your bow in the luggage! That sure is beautiful country through there! Thanks for sharing your trip!

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