


Either the bravest pooch on the block or the dumbest. The vet sedated this doggie & pulled like 1300 quills out. The mutt made it!


With that silly collar no wonder the porkie let him have it. Must be a northern dog. Other than white what kind of dog is it? I already know he is the dumb kind.

Pitbull dude, what other kinda mutt wouldn't give up in the face of such adversity! Could'a been somebody's kid. It wouldn't break my heart if they went extinct.

i had a german sheppard when i was a kid and she bit a porkypine, didn't have money for a vet so i gave her a beer, oh wait i gave myself a beer, yah thats right, anyhow started pullin and an hour and a half later, i was done.

well long story short, about two weekes later she started havin convulsions about once a day, i thought she was going nuts then on the third week i was petting her head and felt somthing sharp and pulled on it, it was a quill, it went the the roof of her mouth and through her brain then lastly thru her skull!...no bull, she was never the same after that...
This is exacly why i shoot those porkies whenever i see 'em.
I saw a dead calf elk once that looked just like that dog, now i don't even think twice!!
"Curiosity" is what killed that little calf bull. :-(

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"

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