oryx pic


Friend of my HUNT1 got his oryx!

one of u guys have tag for Rhodes Canyon...i ll see you next week!!



nice one!!

Congrats to your friend! Cool looking critter! How long were the horns?

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-04 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]Vinny,

I will be there. I'll be in a White Suburban with CA plates. My son who is 14 will be with me. He will be the bigger one... :-;

Hunt1, can you give some details on your hunt? Looks like perfect shot placement.
I have a question regarding an oryx. Is it the same animal as a Gems Buck? They look nearly identical. I have always wanted one hanging on my wall-where's a good place to hunt them? Any info would be appreciated.
Yes. They are Kalahari Gemsbok (which is the biggest of the species). We've always just called them oryx here in NM. The oryx in NM are free-ranging. If you can draw a tag, there are once-in-a-lifetime hunts on White Sands Missile Range, and depredation hunts on and off range. Residents pay $100 for the tag, and a $100 entrance fee on to the range. Non-residents pay $1500 for the tag and $100 entrance fee.
Great animal, great shot. What were you shooting? Looks like it went clear through him. Congratulations, very nice.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-04 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p] Vinni, i will see you there!! dont know what you look like but i will figure it out. You got mail....
BTW guys , the name Orxy is really part of the real name of these animals "oryx gazelius" is the true name.
Got him around 4pm on the last day with my 300RUM. Actual measurements turn out to be 33 1/2" (right) and 34 1/2" (left) with 7 3/4" bases. My buddy that does my butchering should have him ready anytime now ... excellent eating!

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