oryx pedestal mount


Very Active Member
This is an oryx mount I did for a customer. Some people don't like this pose, but the customer's happy.


I like the pose, unless you are putting that in a garage or your house has high cellings I dont know if you could do a wall mount with those high spoke coming out of his head.. I like it

wow! cool..i never see any like that! only deer...wow...

im glad the customer like it very much!

vinihunt :)
sweet!! I havent decided how i want mine yet. I will wait until the cape is tanned and take some more measurement of the neck before i decide. Call me lazy but i may decide by finding the form that wont need alterations. What form was that you used on that one? my guess is i will need a Makinze GM73 or gm71 depending on how the neck size comes out. the gm73 seems a couple inches too big in the neck, ever shave one down to make em fit? the 71 is 2 inches smaller but it is the 90degree turn and the wife dont like it.
It's the 73. Precision sells a form in this pose, but I don't like the faces of those forms. They're okay for a cow, but McKenzie forms really have that wedged face that the big bulls have.
I did an oryx last year that the measurements were 9 1/2 x 20. I used the 90 degree turn form and cut it into about 16 pieces. I had to cut the lenth and girth out of the neck, plus turn it to just a slight turn. I had to cut the shoulders into quarters and take a few inches out in each direction. Then I cut the face in half lenght wise to narrow it, and in three pieces across to shorten the face. It came out real nice, but took a ton of time. The funny thing about that is that in the McKenzie catalog, a couple of pages over, they have more gemsbok forms that were a lot closer to size I needed. I didn't find them until after I already mounted it. But it was a good learning experience.
That's a fantastic oryx and mount! Personally I don't like flat backs on pedestals and prefer more shape to give them a more lifelike appearance. My preference is to use a different mount base so you can add rocks, brush, or other natural features to the mount as well.

If anyone is interested and would like to see different pedestal mounts I can send them a couple detailed photos of what I'm talking about. [email protected]

NMtaxi, I really don't mean to critique your great work because it turned out fantastic, just a couple ideas that someone may want to consider. Whoever's oryx you mounted ought to be proud!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-05 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]

9 1/4 x 20? must have been a cow or yearling i take it? What is the usual size of the mature bulls you get? both of ours had 10 3/4 noses if measured line of sight from eye to tip of nose without wrapping the tape around to the tip. Do you see a big difference in size on mature bulls?
In the makinze web site they show how the guy modified the form for the Winter Warrior deer mount, unreal how much he did to it. Do you use bondo to put them back together or foam? I heard of guys using both methods.
The other thing i noticed is that on orxy the eye glands are not pushed into the face, they are flat like a bad deer mount from 20 years ago.... LOL
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-05 AT 07:50AM (MST)[p]Jims, I mount them like the customers want. If it was my oryx, there's several things I would do different. This particular customer already has her husbands oryx mounted in the same pose, and wanted a matching mount.
One problem I've had with habitats and customers with kids, is within a year or two, the habitats look like somebody to a weed wacker to them.
Schmalts, it was a yealing bull. In fact the horns were about 22" long, and smooth. For this one I used bondo and foam, but when I got done the form weighed a ton LOL. So anything I've been altering since, I use industrial hot glue to hold the form together until I can pour the foam. Once the foam is dried, there's no worries about it coming apart.
I've noticed that about thier eyes, too. They're really on the side of the head without much of a forward look. For my customers, I tend to put more of a forward look on them. The customers like the way it looks. So I take a little artictic license with it.
Nice job. I don't know if I like the pose, but different strokes for different folks.
An oryx is on my wish list........wow, that list is getting loooongg.


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