Oryx mount - advise wanted



Just a question,

I got my Once-In-A-Lifetime oryx mounted - Very nice!

Question is i drew a depredation tag this year and was wondering if I should mount it as well - Then sell to someone,

ie Cabela's or something like that.

I have the one that I want hung in my house and will not have room for a second one.

Thanks for advise
My guess would be that you wouldn't be able to sell it for more than it cost to mount it. They make great skull mounts, and most taxidermists will give you a big discount on the skull if you give them a good cape.
There is generally a good market on the NM capes, as they tend to be thicker-haired and more attractive than shorter African capes. Sometimes peoples capes are damaged in transit from overseas, or in the tanning process.

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