Oryx Hunt in New Mexico


Very Active Member
Just got done applying for the hunt and the email verification return from the New Mexico Game and Fish said something about, "if this is a militay hunt then you have to mail a copy of your miltitary certificate"? Hopefully this pertained to people applying for the Iraq/Afgahnistan Oryx hunts. Can anyone shed the light a little. In the past, when applying, I haven't seen this statement.
New Mexico now has a hunt for returning Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans-only hunt for oryx. If the hunt code that you applied for ended with an odd number(ORX-1-101) then it is a military hunt, and if it ended in an even number for the once-in-a-lifetime draw(ORX-1-102) then you have nothing to worry about. I got the same message this year. They are just sending a reminder as far as I know.

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