Oregon's New #3 CA Bighorn?



Just recieved my new issue of EHJ, the annual Sheep Section, and was ecstatic to see so many OR rams in the pages. I am curious though about one thing, and was hoping that maybe some of you know the story. On page 44, there is a story by Scott Cooke about his amazing float trip ram taken out of the John Day which scores 180 7/8. The ram is gorgeous and he worked his tail off to get him. The article states that his ram is the new #3 California Bighorn for Oregon. There is also a story by Russ Young, who won the Oregon Sheep Raffle and also hunted the John Day. Young also had an amazing hunt and took a great trophy. 188 4/8 net B&C kind of great! This ram has 43 3/8'' right and 42 7/8'' left horn measurements. He is absolutely beautiful from any angle. My question for all of you in MM land is this: Were these rams killed in separate years, or were both taken last year? I can only assume that Cooke's ram was taken two years ago because in order to be recognized as the new number three, he would have had to been panel judged and accepted, right? Or were they both killed last fall and Cooke was unaware of the Young ram being taken and looked at the books and figured where his would rank in the Oregon Book? I have yet to look at the new book, but would guess that nearly 8'' worth of horn would put the young ram way high in the book. I am just looking for someone to clarify these two rams for me, and am certainly not trying to discredit Scott Cooke for what was written. His ram is awesome and he hunted hard to fulfill his once in a lifetime tag with a once in a lifetime trophy. Just wanted to know if any of you might be able to help answer these questions.
Just going off memory here, but I think the Young sheep was killed in 03, and I really don't think it was 188 I think they meant 178.
The state record was killed by a guy I know from my hometown in 96 or 97 in the Catlow hunt. It was like 186" and I think it still stands. Though I could be wrong on some of this stuff.
Young's ran was Rocky and Cooke's ram was a California. Different type of sheep. The California bighorn don't get as large as their cousins, the Rockies. I believe the largest Rocky killed in Oregon scored 196 and the largest California was 186.

My wife and I were excited to see that the stories of our Oregon sheep hunts were also printed in this issue.

Hope this info was useful to you.
Great rams Desertflinger and great stories. You are correct that Russ's ram was a Rocky not a Cali. He was the 2005 raffle winner. The caption in the game regulations is incorrect. The new online version has been changed to reflect the true subspecies and location (Lookout Mtn). Russ did take a big Cali on the John Day in 2003. I believe the state record cali is 184-ish and was taken in like 1997 or so in Alvord Peaks.

I would love to pull that John Day tag or the state raffle to hunt those big Cali's. I have been lucky enough to hunt that area a few times and it is a great hunt.
Just to add, although it was never panel scored by B&C the biggest Rocky ever taken by a hunter in OR is Dave Procks infamous #44 ram taken from the Lostine herd in about 2000 or so. Scored 202+.

I think the biggest Cali I have ever heard of is Sam Jacksick's Nevada ram in 2001 that scored 186.
And more yet...neither of those rams will ever have to be panel scored. Since B&C does not differentiate between Rocky and Cali (all are Rockies) neither is big enough to have to be panel scored.
Jacsicks Ram fro mNevada is the California WR it is 190+. As far as the Oregon herds go Oregon has some of the largest California Rams in the WOrld bar none. I just got back from Hart and well lets just say the Ram I had all picked out for next years 1st season hunter who ever drew the tag is now dead. He was 173+ just a stud 9 years old and heavy as hell. It just sucks but there are still a few rams. State Record cali is 186 and 3/8 I believe with Desert's wife ram out of the owyhee herd and the ram that we got out of East Trout Creeks that went 167 plus and a few other rams it is just amazing how good the rams are.

But I am here to tell you these guys getting the draw tags are killing little sheep largest ram last year killed on the Hart and Poker jim series was 150+ and the smallest under 132 and that guy just went over shot the first ram he saw and left. It was just sickening to see the quality of rams there that are dieing because of old age. They have picked up in the past 3 years 27 skulls over 165 ohh of Hart and Poker. They are dieing of old age or because of cats. Just amazing animals.

But the big rams are still always gonna be in the John Day and Deschutes. Mild winters and great forage just a horn growning dream. Grats on the story desert
The largest Cali ram in Oregon was killed on the Catlow hunt by Tom Weil from burns, Oregon, I live in Burns and know the guy. I think it was around 186" I don't think it's been beat yet.
Yes, same guy Koyote and the same unit I was referring to as well. Was it 186?? Hell to get old my memory is fading. LOL I was thinking the unit used to be listed in the regs as "Alvord Peaks" but you are correct it is the Catlow.
Ok, I had to do some digging in the B&C record books for these numbers. I don't have the new all-time book so I had to refer to the 23rd and 25th awards books. Tom Weil's ram taken in 1997 officially scores 184 7/8 (OR state record right?). That ram was 40 1/2" on the long side--WOW! I think I found Jacksick's ram in here but I'm not up on my Nevada geography. Sam has an entry from Pershing County, Nevada for a 2001 harvest so I think this is his big Cali. Official B&C score is 186 0/8 (NV state record??) Anyway, a couple of real crankers.

Thats amazing HD about all those Oregon pickups. I think anytime you break the 160's with a Cali you have something special. 27 165+ pickups??? Crazy.
You are correct on Jaksick's ram. Pershing County, 2001, 186 0/8 according to Nevada wildlife record book. Yes that's the current state record California ram. An absolute toad.

That is amazing about the pickups off of Hart and Poker Jim. I'd love to hunt there.
That is the number I got last year it was 155 miss hit of the keys but it was not dink status rams. Remember less then 9 years ago they gave out over 20 tags for hart and poker jim between the 2 of them now they are down to a total of 6 that is some drastic cuts. The big rams are dieing of old age. Everyone who gets the tag now a days goes either right to the first guzzler on PJ or heads right up out of the CCC camp on hart and whacks a ram out of that group of rams that lives on the 2nd ridge. When the stud rams are in a few select places. However I would not be surprised if the new state record is not taken out of the Johh Day or deschutes herd in the next few years.
Hey ram boys. I think it was in the same article in Eastmans, the one where the guy did float trip. Anyway, he said that the ram grossed and netted the same, "with no deductions"? But he said the horns measured differently by a few 1/8ths. Do you not score rams the same way as other critters. Any difference is a deduction. Just curious.

'It's all about the gut pile'
Differences in horn lengths in N.A. wild sheep are not a deduction. A difference in circumference is a deduction.

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