Oregon Unit 59


New Member
Hello all,

I am fairly new to the forum and have been impressed with how willing users have been to help and how kind they have been. Some not so much, but for the most part very impressed. Anyway, I drew Oregon Unit 59 spike as a non-resident starting Nov 1-5. I know the unit is very steep, remote, etc. I am not concerned with how rugged the hunting will be. I hunt similar terrain on a regular basis already. My main concern is the weather. Is this a hunt I should be planning for snow, below freezing, etc. There is very little information online regarding the unit other than its rugged. I plan to call a few of the guides for help regarding the same questions I am asking here. But I figured I would try here first and see what some folks have to say. I don't have the time to scout but will be up there for three days prior to the season. If anyone wants to share info regarding finding the elk, I'll happily listen!


If you were wanting to find the roughest hunt in the world for a spike you did good.

The Snake is generally for pack in or backpack hunters. it is extremely rough, and roads are very limited. lots of glassing and an incredible amount of effort might pay off ,there aren't as many elk as there used to be but competition for spikes will be low to say the least.

Weather is certainly a concern and seasons are later this year. snow can make access even more difficult and more than once it's stranded hunters in or prevented them getting it. you'll just have to watch the forecast and go accordingly.

I don't know it well enough to give any specifics, but I'd look in the lower elevations some maybe. most guys will be headed to Hat Point but for a spike I'd be looking for something less popular and easier.
If you were wanting to find the roughest hunt in the world for a spike you did good.

The Snake is generally for pack in or backpack hunters. it is extremely rough, and roads are very limited. lots of glassing and an incredible amount of effort might pay off ,there aren't as many elk as there used to be but competition for spikes will be low to say the least.

Weather is certainly a concern and seasons are later this year. snow can make access even more difficult and more than once it's stranded hunters in or prevented them getting it. you'll just have to watch the forecast and go accordingly.

I don't know it well enough to give any specifics, but I'd look in the lower elevations some maybe. most guys will be headed to Hat Point but for a spike I'd be looking for something less popular and easier.
I wish I could say I drew the spike tag intentionally. I thought I was applying for the bull tag and wouldn't draw this season. I must of had the two mixed up during the app process. But OR doesn't allow tags to be returned so here we are. I appreciate the input and will follow-up with how it goes. I agree finding something easier is preferred but the bull and spike season do not align. I don't know that there will be many hunters around but who knows. That area is all new to me.
Yikes, if you're a Non Resident I would not even try because of the financial expense. Probably even Resident unless you live close. Some people fly in with a plane charter and get dropped off then hunt. You might want to look at that? But for a spike only, the cost and low densities of elk would worry me!!! Just saying!

Oregon has very few Big Game animals left period!!!
Application screw ups do happen, did it myself in AZ and wasted a lot of points.
If you don't live too far away I guess you could just go for the experience, it's some awesome country. but if you had anything else to do I'd consider it, I just can't see that much effort and time into getting a chance at a spike. you can buy spike tags over the counter in many units.

I'd talk to the biologist. see where most spike hunters go and what the success rates are. you might try the Oregon forum on this site you'll get more response probably.
I know it's going to be expensive, which I am ok with. I'm not gonna hire an outfitter or anything for a spike but would really like to hunt the area. It seems like it could produce and should be a fun hunt. My hunting buddies and I applied for deer in 59 and will be using this hunt as a scout/hunt mission. So we can decide if we will continue to apply for the unit's hunts.

I planned to return the tag because I have too many tags this year and I am getting stretched pretty thin. But was told that was not an option. So, we're going regardless. I'm in it for whatever the tag cost already so may as well give it hell.
I know it’s a bit late but I just got back from my archery mule deer hunt in the unit. No deer unfortunately, but crazy numbers of elk. Most elk I saw were decent bulls, cows and calves. Although there were a few spikes about 3000 feet below me. I went on the southern side of the unit, not a whole lot of hunting pressure once you walk in a couple miles past the gate at PO trailhead. The weather was nice during the day, but it’s already getting down to 25-30 at night.

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