Oregon Sportsman



LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-08 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]http://www.tu.org/c.kkLRJ7MSKtH/b.3782107/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?auid=3285256

Please visit our online action center by January 10th and tell the Bureau of Land Management in western Oregon that its draft Western Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR) does not go far enough to protect vital fish and game habitat on public lands.

The WOPR would allow for a significant reduction in streamside buffers-- a potentially damaging move that would most certainly impact our struggling, but recovering, salmon and steelhead runs in western Oregon. Additionally, the plan would allow the conversion of our oak savanna country—prime blacktail deer and Roosevelt elk winter range—into conifer timber plantations. What's more, the plan would open thousands of acres of habitat important to hunters and anglers to Off Highway Vehicle use, potentially trashing irreplaceable fish and wildlife habitat for thousands of sportsmen.

< span>As a hunter or angler in western Oregon, you can help. Simply visit our online action center by January 10th, review the details of the plan, and share your concerns over the BLM's plans that could seriously impact fish and game habitat and, by extension, hunting and angling in western Oregon.

Thank You,
Mike Beagle
Western Field Coordinator
Medford, Oregon
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited and Oregon Trout both suck. whatever they want I don't.
>Trout Unlimited and Oregon Trout both
>suck. whatever they want I

Dude......Am I not reading that correctly? Are you for opening up the protected lands for OHV use? Not picking a fight just interested.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
If Trout Unlimited and or Oregon Trout are against it, then I'm all for it. If they didn't have a stake in it then I'd probably be against it.

I'm a board member on an irrigation district, I have no love for either. that's being polite about what I really think, I wish them a long and losing battle.
Your not down by Klammath are ya???? Farmers are flat outa buisness down there huh? Long live the salmon and all that bs !!!!!

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Hey Rus' thanks, have some chalange's that need my full attention right now...

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