oregon speed goat

  • Thread starter 231nontypicalmuledeer
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here is the oregon antelope I shot in august. I should have taken my bow, I shot it at 40 yrds. with a 7mm. OUCH!!
Wow! good looking animal. The scenery sure made a nice picture. Congrats on a nice buck.

I'm still mad I didn't draw a goat tag this year. Oh well hope to get a big muley in november.
hey pronghornHunter.
what tag do you have for deer in november?? I Have a oregon N.E whitehorse muzzy tag burning a hole in my pocket.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-05 AT 11:24PM (MST)[p]I know what you mean. I'm going crazy waiting for november to roll around.
I'm not familiar with your area but any tag during the rut is a good one. Good luck and hope you bag a monster.
I have a tag for the Dubois area 128,129 here in western Wyoming. The draw odds are 2 to 3%. It is the toughest and most sought after tag in the state to draw for deer during the late season rut so I got very lucky. A buddy of mine drew this tag two years in a row which is unheard of. There are some big deer in this area and I will be hunting just west of where Kathy Keene killed that massive 40 incher that went 285 B&C. He's had some time to spread his genes around.
You may have seen the buck on this site a while back or in Eastman's. Check out this link and scroll down about six rows and you'll see the heading in red letters "35 point mule deer"
Nice Oregon Goat, just wish it didn't take 10 years to draw a tag. Let us know how you do on the muzzy hunt, I have heard that is a good hunt.
Thats a heck of a buck, really nice prongs, I'd like to get one with some good prongs someday, all of the goats that I've got so far have had short ones. Congrats!

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