Oregon sheep hunts



Just going through the yearly process of deciding which unit to apply for sheep here in Oregon. I have applied all my life for the Hurricane Divide unit in the Eagle Cap Wilderness but recently switched to applying for the California Bighorns in the John Day River area. Odds are a little bit better, and they are right out my back door. The rams in the Deschutes and John Day River areas look more like Rockies than California's. Last year two guys killed rams that green scored in the low 180's and had 16 inch bases. Any of you guys in Southeastern Oregon know if North Catlow Rim is still producing the bruisers like they were in the middle 1990's. Just dreaming like I do every year, hoping to draw a special tag besides deer and elk. Besides my brother is going to Alaska this year and hunting for Dall Sheep and Grizzly, seems like it would be fair to draw here in Oregon for me, I know quit crying. You guys take it easy.
Don Whittaker at ODFW headquarters should have a list of all rams taken in Oregon and their respective scores. I dont think you can go wrong with either of the John Days, Deschutes, Catlow or Abert Rim. I would apply for Cali's as it is the golden era for monster California Bighorns. I sure wish Oregon would give out a few more non-resident permits.
Thanks Ramslam, I plan on applying for the East John Day River #1 this year. Read a lot of articles on your grand slam in the Eastman's Journal. What do you think about the Washington State Rocky Mountain Bighorn Raffle this year? Is there any rams like the one you took in any of those units? Should be a great hunt for the one who draws. O well, any tag I draw this year is sure better than not hunting at all. See Ya

What should a person expect to pay to get access into the John Day? I understand you either pay for access via an adjacent land owner or go in via the river.
Thanks CentralOre. I am very excited about the Washington Rocky Raffle for many reasons. First it shows what cooperation in wildlife conservation can accomplish (multi-state game departments & multi-state FNAWS chapters et al involved in the Hells Canyon Initiative). Second, its the first step in getting general draw tags for Rockys (with no non-resident discrimination!). Also, the funds raised go back to Rocky's in this area. We have one major domestic conflict that we need resolved and would like to drop some additional wild sheep in the Tucannon. Last it shows that through hard work and careful planning, the WDFW commission is willing to listen and accept proposals from the general public.

What kind of rams? I have video taped several 180+ rams last fall/winter. The biggest on film was taped by my cousin in December. I think he would go upper 180's. He is about 2-3" shorter on one side or I would be willing to call him 190. The key with this permit is to be patient. Its a 2 month season and these rams are in and out of open units and in and out of Oregon. The original proposal I sent to WDFW for this raffle included two other units in the area which were dropped when the hunt was approved. One unit is up and coming and has MONSTER rams in it. I helped radio collar some rams in there two years ago this March. One ram was 3 1/2 years old (well two months shy of being 4) and had 16 3/4" bases x ~34" unbroomed. I measured it so its accurate. My eyes about popped out of my head when the helicopter was lowering him to the ground. The other unit is the unit I drew which doesnt have much for sheep since the die-off but rams from adjacent open units travel in and out of there so thats why I included it.


I have hunted the east John Day on two hunts (for three rams) and I would guess the access fee was $1500-$2500. I wasnt the one writing the check so I didnt ask! It definitely makes the hunt easier. There is a fee on the west side too.

Alright....got a little long winded on this one. Why is it sheep talk does that to me???? Back to stamping out ignorance (my job).

I drew a Colorado tag last year and am now sitting out. Is the Oregon tag based on Preference points? Meaning if I apply I'm already behind?

I will check the Oregon regs but just wanted a short answer if possible.


LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-05 AT 03:18PM (MST)[p]I apply for the Hurrican divide hunt every year, and I have gotten some great pictures while scouting there. We have one of the few outfitter permits for the hurricane divide unit, so if one of yalls draws the tag, let me know. lol.




A few of the rams you would have to choose from if you drew the tag. Hurrican divide unit, 2004.
I here the season was a little lean on Hurricane Divide last fall. All that early season snow made the rams harder to find i guess.
Ramslam, I also heard the divide was slim pickins last season, I suspect it was because the rams move north to the sheep ridge/traverse ridge area, rather than thier normal early fall range in the frances/echo/billy jones area.

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