Oregon-Girls Softball/Nationals


Long Time Member
Does anyone have any girls playing in the ASA Western Nationals in Miluakie, Oregon at the end of the month? My 12 year old daughter, Stevie, will be heading up there with our Orcutt All-Star team. I'm really looking forward to it!








THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
I just copied this from the oregon forum:

o.k. i called some people.
my cousin gave some good info, the upper CLACKAMAS RIVER
has some great white water rafting, up above estecada or. he didn't have a name but said you could search it on the net and get alot of good guys who run it.

another, he said was his favorite thing to take newcomers/ friends from outta town, was do a search on MT. HOOD SKI BOWL/ ALPINE SLIDES. all sorts of go-carts, bungy jumps, hikes, pools, great fun for kids. i've never been there, but it's up on mt. hood, and you'll have some killer views of an awsome mountain.

then i called my sister, their team will be at the MT. VERNON nationals in northern washington, so lucky for your girls they wont meet my oldest neices best info was to thank god you didn't have to play them............

no seriousy, those tournament are a blast! i cant wait for 10 yrs or so when i can have that kind of fun with my daughter.
good luck to your girls!
BOBCAT- Yes I have kids, 4 of them...but they know "Dad", not Wiszard!! HaHa! They're all good kids and I teach them to be respectful and kind to everyone.

KILLERBEE- You are the man!! I'm gonna cut and paste your post to make sure I've got all the info you wrote about. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to make our trip fun.

My daughters team played a tourney this weekend in Santa Barbara and won their games by huge margins-15-0, 16-1, 15-2, 7-4, and the championship game was a slaughter 12-0. We have very good pitching, excellent defense and good hitting. An all around great team. I wish your sisters team good luck up north. Take care!

no problem. i hope your family has fun! you'll have to keep me posted on how it goes. those girls try harder than any MLB baseball team out there IMO. to bad my nieces are in a different tournement, it would have been a pleasure to meet you.

again good luck to them, but man- those cheers get old - don't they? :)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-09 AT 11:30PM (MST)[p]God job wiz. My wife has 5 or 6 six of her pitching students going.

Edit...Shes says only one. The rest of her students are playing in the western nationals in Tracy,Ca. I guess different divisions or somethin? Did your girls play in the 'Big One" in denver,co over the 4th of july weekend?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
my oldest niece played in the big tourny on denver. her and her dad were telling me how huge that tournement is.
We didn't play in Denver. Our Nationals Qualifier Tournament was in Bakersfield, Ca a few weeks ago. The girls played in over 100 degree heat for two days. It was kind of ridiculous.

I'm guessing different divisions if there are Nat'ls in Tracy. Not sure. Our girls are not "club" but All Stars. It is not pay to play. They are only the best girls from our recreation league but play in tournaments up and down the Ca coast.

I gotto go, weigh ins for pigs at the fair this morning. Cant be late! Talk to you all later.

I miss those days now Steve. At times while I was coaching travel ball it was very demanding because every weekend is dedicated to softball but it was very positive and rewarding to see some of these kids really mature as players and a few even moved on to play at a college level. Hope you and your family have a great time and the girls do well in the nationals.

Thanks Jim. This same team went to Nationals in 2007 in Las Cruces, NM as a 10U team and took 9th over all out of 42 teams or so. I'm hoping to just as good this time around but you never know. The teams from the Los Angeles area are hard to compete with. We should hold our own again this year though. I'll let you all know how it goes when we get back August 3rd or 4th.

I manage a boys Little League 10-11yo baseball team and we are playing for the state championship this coming weekend. I don't have girls, but am volunteering some time to work at the tournament in Alpenrose. It should be a fun event and lot's of good teams there. I didn't think the tournament started until August 13th. Good luck to you and your girls.
Hey Steve,

As I mentioned before best of luck to your girls and I hope they do well. I am assuming this a a 12U team? Just wait till she starts playing 14U or 16U.. Some of those girls can flat play some serious softball! The last team I coached was a 16&U Gold travel team and the talent we had on that team was unbelievable.
I am really missing it right now and I actually looking in to coaching the jv girls softball team here at the high school. I understand the coach is going to retire and I would have a blast taking over that team. Who knows.. Could happen.


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