Oregon becoming 2 States???


Very Active Member
Been hearing a lot lately about people pushing for Eastern oregon to become its own state!!! It's been all over the news and frankly being from western OR and hunting eastern OR, I call bullsh!t!!!

What do you guys think of this? I guess if it goes through, an archery elk license will cost me over $600 with $5,000 for fuel to drive-to-and-from each time...

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-08 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-08 AT 11:38?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-08 AT 11:37?AM (MST)

I don't you have anything to worry about, but i would like to see it become part of Idaho!!!
The problem isn't you and I that go over and hunt Eastern Oregon. For the most part I think hunters thoughts seem align with the thought of E. Oregonians. The main issue I'm hearing is all the laws and mandates coming out of Salem that are drawn up and designed for life west of the cascades. The rural farmers and ranchers are being governed by people that have no clue what they go through and they are taking exception to it. That better not happen. I already don't like hearing about the coming increase in Tag costs, just imagine being a non-resident.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-08 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]Muleyman,I Heard it was just the city of mulino they were trying to isolate??Some weird people there!


"Pain is fear leaving your body"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-08 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]Sandman,

I think you are thinking of Woodburn, and turning it into a mini-mexico! That would be cool...

Where you huntin this year? I've told you time and time again to go and buy a bow. You can buy my 3yr old Bowtec, I'm buying a new one within a few weeks...$5,000 and it's yours. It has helped me kill two muleys in OR and maybe your luck would change with it!

Since I'm an eastern Oregon native I think it's a great idea, but with 86% of the voters living west of the Cascades there isn't much chance of it happening even if the feds would go for it and they wouldn't.

Things like the ban of hunting lions with dogs failed big time in eastern Oregon but we got it ramed down our throats by the west side voters, we're just like another state ruled by outsiders.

Rep. Eugene Timms proposed bill for a priority system years ago where the deer and elk hunters living in a unit got a priority to hunt the unit they lived in and the units that bordered it over other hunters, not all the tags but a fair share of them. I thought it was a great idea but I knew it would be slammed down, and it was. in a large part by OHA, or as we call them WOHA " Western Oregon Hunters Association " and we have had nothing to do with OHA since. nothing against west side hunters most of them are good people, it's just hard to live in an area where you only get a tag to hunt every 4 or 5 years while you watch the 750,000 portlandites crowd their way through town every fall to get to your back yard.

It's been like this for 100 years and it always will be, but in the end we're all Oregonians and all Americans. we'll get over it.
I doubt very much that it's been like this for 100 years. In 1900 there were 413,000 people living in Oregon. More than 105,000 people lived East of the Cascades, Deschutes county's population wasn't listed so it was higher than that. So say roughly 25-30% of the state lived on the East side.

Today, there are 3.7 million people that live in Oregon. Half a million live on the East side today. About 13.5% of the pop. live there now vs. 25-30 percent 100 years ago.

I also doubt that every single resident of Portland come and hunt Eastern Oregon every year.

4-5 years to get a tag? With the exception of South East Oregon, you can draw most deer tags with 0 or 1 point. There are a bunch elk tags that you can get with only 0-1 points also, maybe 2 points. Units such as Desolation, Catherine Creek, Minam, Sled springs, Pine Creek, West Beulah, Malheur all have about 50% draw odds. Heck Minam is underscribed! 100% draw for first or second season high country wilderness hunt! The unit I love to bowhunt in I could rifle hunt every other year if I wanted.

Sure ya some of the tags I want take 4-5 years too, they are good hunts. Some of the tags I want take 10 years or more! And they're bowhunts! There are options if you want to rifle hunt every year.
Your attitude is why west side hunters aren't liked much.

It takes at least 4 years to draw bull tag in my area, the deer hunting is so bad you can have it. I'm not that worried about it because I always get to hunt on my LOP tags and go out of state but not everyone can. I was just giving an east side observation, there are more hard feelings on the issue than you probably think and some locals use it as an excuse to poach or hunt without tags, I don't agree with it at all but it's there. there should be some form of preference for locals just like there is for resident hunters VS non resident in my opinion since the population distribution is so lop sided but I know it will never happen. guys in Utah have the same situation so it's not just an Oregon issue, that's just life.
HUNTINDUDE, I feel your pain. There are 30,000 people in my county in NE Kali (not including the 9,000 inmates) 2 square miles of LA negates our votes and we're the 3rd largest county land wise in the state. Our county has overwhelmingly voted Republician in EVERY election since I moved here in 89 but the state has voted a Democratic President in every time.

Think we could manage mountain lions here if our vote counted?? Damn right. I'd bet that 99.5% of the people that voted to protect mountian lions have never crossed paths where a mountain lion had been in the last year. I've seen 2 within 1/4 mile of my property and had tracks around the house. Guess I'd vote to protect mountain lions too if I wasn't worried one would get my kid on the way to the school bus stop.

Even us on the west side are governed by the portlanders and Eugene folk. I live in a small town and we have no say at all how things are ran, several years ago they shut down all our rural schools and we had no say what so ever. Please don't lump all west side people together and we won't lump all east side people with Bend.
LOL, Right! that'll happen, it's not rocket science, should vote by counties on certain issues...
and there is quite a few of us in Bend that fit in better in Prineville, Johnday, Spray or Dayville

Of course with the economy and everybody moving back its getting better.
I think it is a great idea, then the people of Eastern Oregon could bring back hunting with dogs and we could have our deer numbers back in a few years.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-09 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]I wish Oregon would split the state and create a new state and I don't even live there I live in N. Cal. Have you ever heard of The State of Jefferson? Well people who live N. of Sacramento have been trying to cut the state off at Sacramento and create the State of Jefferson since the 50's or 60's maybe even before then and it hasn't happen and it will never happen. Like Califelkslayer said S. Cal controls the state there are just not enough of us to count when election time comes. It sucks, they have no idea what they are talking about they have this picture painted in their ignorant head so they vote against things like Lion control. Meanwhile we are living with the lions, literally.

Good luck,

Split the new state right thru Bend. Lived here for 50 years and it wouldn't bother me one bit. The West side fits right in with the Valley.
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