And SC did not play a bad game....Ducks just smacked them around all night....no excuses
USC gets credit (ALL THE TIME) without earning it....no surprise. Oregon is making Boise look better all the time.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Yep - they are a good team. Makes me wish Utah would have beat them earlier this year! That was a good game though. Got sloppy but the Ducks gutted it out. I am impressed by them.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
too bad they wouldn't get a chance to be in the hunt for a national championship, I think they match up with Florida pretty good.
I love USC But thought all year they was ranked to high, I believe the reason that Barkley is QB is because they knew they wasn't going to be in the National hunt or the Rose Bowl hunt so they are grooming him for the next 3 years.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>USC gets credit (ALL THE TIME)
>without earning it....no surprise.
>Oregon is making Boise look
>better all the time.

USC gets credit without earning it???
You looking at different USC teams (past and present) than me?
The amount of depth USC has on both sides of the ball is incredible on any given year and many of the USC bench warmers would be starters at a different college.
I am a die hard USC fan and always will be as myself and several others in my family have a long history with USC.. But I have to tip my hat to Oregon as they played a hell of a game and just like last year they showed up at the stadium, fired up and ready to play with a solid game plan and gave SC a good ass kickin'.
>>USC gets credit (ALL THE TIME)
>>without earning it....no surprise.
>>Oregon is making Boise look
>>better all the time.
>USC gets credit without earning it???
>You looking at different USC teams
>(past and present) than me?
>The amount of depth USC has
>on both sides of the
>ball is incredible on any
>given year and many of
>the USC bench warmers would
>be starters at a different
>I am a die hard USC
>fan and always will be
>as myself and several others
>in my family have a
>long history with USC.. But
>I have to tip my
>hat to Oregon as they
>played a hell of a
>game and just like last
>year they showed up at
>the stadium, fired up and
>ready to play with a
>solid game plan and gave
>SC a good ass kickin'.
I agree. USC is a perennial powerhouse, year in and year out. I think that loss to Oregon was actually Pete Carrols worst loss since he has been there, previously an 11 pt loss to ND was his worst loss in like 10 years. Thats why they get the benefit of the doubt.

Props to Oregon though, they looked like they were going to have an abysmal season after the first few games.


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