Ordered a Vortex.


Long Time Member
I've been looking into getting a small spotting scope for several months. Doug at cameraland sent me an email stating that he is selling the Vortex Impact 70 to MM members for $159.00 which is cheaper than anywhere else I looked by about $60.00. So I couldn't refuse the offer and ordered one. The other big selling point for me was the Vortex warranty. It is transferrable, will replace your optic no matter what the circumstances, and it is forever. Thats hard to beat. We'll see how the glass is when it gets here. fatrooster.
I'm almost as excited as you are, I've been waiting for a good review on the Impact, please keep us posted. It's got potential.
No doubt, keep us informed. I have been curious as to how their glass is, but have not had the opportunity to see one yet.

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold

Let us know how it is. I hear good things about Vortex, but I worry personally. Hope it is nice.
I've got the Skyline 80mm non-ED glass. Absolutely love it, and for a little over $300 bucks, cannot be beat! Before I bought, I set it up side by side with the Swaro non-ED 80mm, spent 45 minutes comparing. The Vortex was +95% of what the Swaro was. Great glass, period. Great price, period.
Great news I hear that dealers everywhere can honor the monster muleys member deal. Ask your dealer for details.
Well I got my Vortex Impact in the mail last night but I haven't had a chance to look through it yet. I'll let you all know how it performs sometime next week. fatrooster.
Well I tried out my new Vortex and I feel that the quality exceeds the price. I got it from Cameraland for $159.00 and as everybody knows the quality of your optics goes up with the price. I kinda felt like everybody was making a bunch of hoopla and talking up the vortex line of optics just to make sales but judging from the scope that I got I feel that Vortex has a good thing going. If you do not want to spend big bucks on optics then I suggest looking into Vortex. fatrooster.
I just got a 20-60/80ED SKYLINE very very good for the price
i have swarovski 10-42el binos and no the vortex glass is
not as good but for 1/4 the price and that warranty to good
to pass up!

>I've been looking into getting a
>small spotting scope for several
>months. Doug at cameraland sent
>me an email stating that
>he is selling the Vortex
>Impact 70 to MM members
>for $159.00 which is cheaper
>than anywhere else I looked
>by about $60.00. So I
>couldn't refuse the offer and
>ordered one. The other big
>selling point for me was
>the Vortex warranty. It is
>transferrable, will replace your optic
>no matter what the circumstances,
>and it is forever. Thats
>hard to beat. We'll see
>how the glass is when
>it gets here. fatrooster.

You're worried about warranty on a $159 spotter?
Believe it or not, its actually a pretty good spotter. I should add that I also owne a swarovski ATS 80, a pair of 15x56 slc's, and a pair of 10x42 el's. So I don't have to look through it, I look through it by choice. There are times that I do not want to subject my high end optics to some of the abusive types of hunting and spotting that I would a cheaper spotter. I also owne a pair of Brunton binoculars that I keep in my truck and if they get stolen it won't hurt so bad. Also I have relatives coming from Florida to hunt with me this year and I needed another spotter that would not put me in the poor house. The fact that Vortex has such a great unconditional warranty is very impressive and I felt that it deserved mentioning. So there you have it, I hope you approve 400. And if you do not then I promise that I will not loose any sleep over it, ha ha. fatrooster.

Did you ever look through the Brunton 18-38 ED Compact? I know the compact Vortex has much greater power, but can you compare them for a pack spotter?

Thanks for the imput and did you draw the Rubys this year?


Bigbull, yes I did look through the Brunton and yes it is awesome. I would have loved to have gotten one but for what I needed the Vortex fit my pocket book better. If I didn't already have swaro's and I needed just one spotter then I would have spent some time comparing the Brunton to the Vortex in great detail and quite possibly would have chosen the Brunton. As far as the extra power in the Vortex, I don't really think it will be usable in most cases. I think they would have been just fine if they would have made it a 20x50 scope. But the price and warranty is just too hard to beat.
I didn't get a tag on the first drawing but I put in for an early area 10 archery tag for the second drawing which is almost a sure thing. I've never archery hunted so I'm getting very excited about the extra challenges that bow hunting will present. What kind of tags did you get Bigbull? fatrooster.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-07 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]Thanks for the spotter info. So far I like the little Brunton for the pack. I doubt the Swaro cannon will be making the trip up the hill anymore.

I only put in for points this year as I postponed my Alberta muley/whitey hunt from 06 to this November as I drew northern Washoe last year. My daughter drew deer 111 early, so we are preping for that.

Good luck with the archery 10 tag. I just received the Eastman's/Cameron Haynes Backcountry Bowhunting book and there are some useful thoughts and ideas in the book. I am shifting to muzzle and archery choices next year, as I want to hunt more often than every five years.


I purchased the Vortex Impact last week. I had a chance to take it out and glass for some deer this weekend. I am extremely pleased with it. I got the same deal as fatrooster did through Camara land. I look forward to using this spotter this fall.

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"

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