OPW Threads



Instead of quality threads and posts here I see a whole bunch of OPW (one-post-wonder) threads asking for freebie, unearned info about their freshly drawn unit when they have never contributed or given good, primo advice on this forum. Nor have they belonged here for very long. This is unbelievable BS!!!

I've been here under several usernames since 2002 or 2003. I've given and received a bunch.

What gives?

Some of you knowledgeable ones even get suckered into responding. Hence.....the OPW readers keep posting. Suckers! This must be an ego thing to you. "PM sent". The ultimate ego trip???

What is up with these OPW's thinking that they should get something VERY useful for free? Just how stupidly selfish can a forum member be? Sheeesh!

I think we should all work hard to respond to their first ever post and give them the area of that unit that is the worst place on the planet to whack a big buck. Plus.....I think we should act sincerely in our posts when doing this.......so they'll believe us. Maybe even give false advice about regional services and such.

Yep....I think so. It's looooooong past time.
If you don't want to give info then don't respond. Pretty simple really. So what is the magic number before you're able to ask about an area? 10..100....10000? Wow you've been posting since 2003. Who cares. Help out or don't respond. It always makes me laugh when people look at the number of posts instead of the contents of the post. Send me your address, I will send you your trophy for the number of posts/years you've been here on MM.
What if you have not hunted out west before and come from an area like the mid west or east coast, and thus you don't have anything to offer about western hunting?
Does that mean they are not allowed to ask for help?

I get what you are saying, but there are some people that may simply not have a lot to offer. I don't think that should mean nobody should help them.

Sooooo SBH, what were your other names here? That might be more important than anything.

I've also been here a long time. I've given some info, received some, made some friends and some not-so-much. Doesn't make me any better worse.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
>It always makes me laugh
>when people look at the
>number of posts instead of
>the contents of the post.

Read my post again, Wiz, where I specifically stated 'good, primo advice'.

Just what part of this phrase don't you understand?

Oh.......all of it. Cuz you post but don't say anything........every time........right? How does an OPW asking for free, unearned help offer this?

A OPW is of no use to this forum and is one of the reasons the old-timers are looooooong gone and this forum is DEAD.
>Sooooo SBH, what were your other
>names here? That might
>be more important than anything.
>I've also been here a long
>time. I've given some info,
>received some, made some friends
>and some not-so-much. Doesn't make
>me any better worse.
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]


PM sent. Hehehehe. Please pat me on the back.
>Sooooo SBH, what were your other
>names here? That might
>be more important than anything.
>I've also been here a long
>time. I've given some info,
>received some, made some friends
>and some not-so-much. Doesn't make
>me any better worse.
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]

I posted here once. Earned me a free night of room, board, home cooked meal, and a few cold Pacifico's. The company was good too. :)

While we're on topic, does anyone have any advice on NV 111-115?

All I can offer if describing what a whitetail looks like.
The whole point of the site is to help others, build relationships, share successes, etc. If you don't like it, you can leave. But those who want to post once asking for assistance are VERY welcome to do so. Those who want to help are also VERY welcome to do so. And those who want to complain about others helping others on this site can do it somewhere other than here.

Obviously I want people to post more than once and use the site often. So any of you who haven't posted, who want to, feel free to do so. Members who don't like it can go away.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am a fairly new member and I post when I have a question or when I feel I can provide relevant information on a given topic . Some members have been very helpful and others have been jerks .
SBH, no pm yet. You'll have to continue on your own.


[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
+1 Founder. Not my place to say you can leave, so thanks for saying it for the rest of us. For the most part this is a great site.

If you want to help a fellow sportsman out, please feel free to do so. If you don't want to help, then feel free to ignore the post. It's pretty simple.

There is something very familiar about StripClubHunter. Just can't decide which douche he was in his past lives here. I may have even received PMs from him in the past.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
I have received and given info on this site. I think it is a great resource. Any real specific info can and should be done through PM.
As I see it, we have 4 choices:
1- help a guy out
2- don't help a guy out
3- give bad info to a guy and lead him off a cliff
4- biotch about anyone who gives or gets info.

I personally like #1 or #2.

I myself, do understand being hesitant to giving out hard earned info to a new guy posting for the first time. I always wonder, why did he wait until he drew a great tag to finally come aboard with hand out? Why not join months or years ago, establish yourself, maybe share in some of your hunts, and then reap the benefits of the good hearted guys and gals here who would like nothing better that to help a person out?

That said, i help most anyone i can regardless of their post count, especially those well meaning and humble souls who truly could use a little help with their adventure.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Nv, damned if I can remember his name, but he was here a couple years ago tooting his horn then, mostly about CO unit 10. At least Ive been thinking it's him. He had the same M.O...
>The whole point of the site
>is to help others, build
>relationships, share successes, etc. If
>you don't like it, you
>can leave. But those who
>want to post once asking
>for assistance are VERY welcome
>to do so. Those who
>want to help are also
>VERY welcome to do so.
>And those who want to
>complain about others helping others
>on this site can do
>it somewhere other than here.
>Obviously I want people to post
>more than once and use
>the site often. So any
>of you who haven't posted,
>who want to, feel free
>to do so. Members who
>don't like it can go
>Brian Latturner
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!


You forgot the part about reciprocation. A newbie OPW doesn't do that. That's why they haven't registered before. They just take the info and run when they need it. Reciprocation is a fair thing to ask for in any kind of relationship. It can come in the form of pics, news articles, wild campfire topics.......anything entertaining. Doesn't necessarily have to be unit/area advice.

But that's not happening here. It seems to me that half of the new threads here lately have been OPW posts. If they contributed some quality posts here before asking theirs.........and built some relationships and credibility FIRST.........this forum wouldn't be DEAD as it is.

It's your business so you get to set the policies. And suffer the consequences. I've told you this before. There are very few senior level hunters here anymore. Days at a time with only a few new threads. Boring! Just a bunch of newbs asking for free, unearned help. My quick check has revealed that the CW.com forum has suffered the same fate. These used to be good forums.

There's nothing here for me. Good luck with your business Brian. I'm not willing to give but not receive here.......and be bored to death.

I been following this site almost every day for 10 years or so and finally decided to start posting only recently. It kills me the guys with 2k to -10,000 posts( all sites) think they own the place and You can only answer there questions not ask any and must agree with them.. Or only there op. counts. I know some think of this as the Bad Boys site, but I think its great. Allways thought it was a good site and got alot of info off of it just reading, not even posting. If I can help I do , If not I shut up. I do this one and the coues site. The site up north has to many know it all grouppies. You gotta be one of them or You don't belong.I think the owner is great and trying to do a good site but His followers been in the cold to long. I am more of an old timer and will listen to anyone till they get ridiculous. I don't use cameras or hunt over bait..If it was My proffesion I would .I am old fashion. To each His own. Good luck on all Your hunts this year............BULL!
Yep, Whiskeyman... or WhiskeyBoy

No senior level hunters here. Just us sophmores.

Once a douche always a douche.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
SBH it is time for you to go start your own site. You have it all figured out and it will be a smashing hit.

Good luck, DZ
I'm in the same camp as you. I've been on this site for years but only post occasionally. Living in the Texas Panhandle I don't have the background or knowledge to add much to western hunting. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the stories others share here. "Even Bess" :)
>I'm in the same camp as
>you. I've been on this
>site for years but only
>post occasionally. Living in the
>Texas Panhandle I don't have
>the background or knowledge to
>add much to western hunting.
>But that doesn't stop me
>from enjoying the stories others
>share here. "Even Bess" :)

Being from TX myself, I have to rely on Urban Dictionary to keep up with a lot of conversations.....

A very small sub standard Bull Elk or Mule Deer buck commonly found and harvested by Utah sportsmen.

"Say Bob Im going over to see Bessy's buck, care to put down that Mountain Dew and LDS bible and join me?"

" NO thanks if I know ole Bessy it's just another pisscutter.
>>I'm in the same camp as
>>you. I've been on this
>>site for years but only
>>post occasionally. Living in the
>>Texas Panhandle I don't have
>>the background or knowledge to
>>add much to western hunting.
>>But that doesn't stop me
>>from enjoying the stories others
>>share here. "Even Bess" :)
>Being from TX myself, I have
>to rely on Urban Dictionary
>to keep up with a
>lot of conversations.....
>A very small sub standard Bull
>Elk or Mule Deer buck
>commonly found and harvested by
>Utah sportsmen.
>"Say Bob Im going over to
>see Bessy's buck, care to
>put down that Mountain Dew
>and LDS bible and join
>" NO thanks if I know
>ole Bessy it's just another

Bout Damn Time somebody paid Attention & Figured it out!

You ever user Urban Dictionary NVB?

Maybe You'd Best Start!:D

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Rookie posters, they are alright.

CAT remember when there was a "public" forum
That ya didn't even have to register to post in??

Quality entertainment.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
>Rookie posters, they are alright.
>CAT remember when there was a
>"public" forum
>That ya didn't even have to
>register to post in??
>Quality entertainment.
>"The State of Utah has not
>given BGF anything.
>They have invested in BGF to
>protect their
>Birdman 4/15/15

Hey ww!

Damn Straight I do,LOL!

I'll bet 99% of the Members Don't have a Clue to what We're Talkin Bout!

Some real Knock-Down Drag-Outs!

Trash-Talkin Bastages Too!

That 'JustWondering' Jack-Ass was a Real PRRICK!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Gotta fess up to a few posts as Richard Cranium
And the names got more colorful as the cooler got emptier.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
I do Remember Richard as a Belligerent PLICK!:D

It was a FILTHY SOB!

Can You Imagine some of these MM Church Boys Encountering the Public Forum in todays World?

Founder would have an Over-Full Inbox within Seconds!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
CAT, there ain't enough Midol on this planet to bring that forum back.

Different era.

Panties wad up way to easy now days.

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
>Are you tellin me people actually
>whine to founder they're bein
>picked on?


I've Never had that Happen to me!:D

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
I think the reply to SBH on 24 hour nailed it best. " takes a special kind of troll to drag drama from one site to another."

What a clown. If you are so miserable here don't let the door hit you on the way out. A narcicist such as yourself might mistake it for a pat on the back. Better yet start your own site since you know so much about it. You will be happier and so will we. You've got serious hate and envy problems. I digress.
So the dude who was complaining about Eastman's giving out inaccurate info is now just complaining about giving out info in general? You really need to get into the woods and take a deep breath.
Giving guidance to others is the number one reason I come to this site. Knowing that the info I might have on an area could help another guy have a great experience is exhilarating. I love getting photos at the end of the year from guys that I've given direction to. Even better when I run into them out in the hills and they thank me in person for the help I was able to provide.

Many guys I've helped are from Utah. Most are able-bodied. Some have had physical limitations. Others were from other states. No matter who they are, where they are from, or why they are asking for help, I'd much rather help them out than stick my nose in the air.

I second Founder's Post above. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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