Operation Repo


Long Time Member
Anyone watch this show? saw it the first time the other nite, kind of interesting. Then I watched it yesterday and saw the show was fake and all the events are re-enactments done my actors. some of the stuff they did looked to dramatized to be true.

that Sonia is one hideous creature. Makes Beth from Dog the Bounty hunter look like a beauty queen
Great concept. It would make for interesting TV if they would follow live Repo people around. I bet they get into some pretty strange situations.

Operation Repo Sucks. Way bad acting and not even a decent looking Woman around to keep me interested.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-09 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]and I watched Gilligan's Island when I was a kid and read this crap.......its tasteless cheap entertainment!

Wiz, What about all this turning out the lights, taking one for the team etc we have heard from you.
We finally found the ONE girl that is not hitable?
TAG- What I'd like for you to do is scroll up and take another look at her picture. After you've swallowed the bial that accidentally came up from your stomach, read your post again!! HaHa. There's a difference between taking one for the team and hitting something that is incredibly repulsive!! Sorry, I've got to draw the line.

Wiz, I agree 100 percent. I always know where my line is at but I wasn't sure you had one. Lol
Wiz, I am shocked! Thats the first time I have seen that you wouldn't go for it!
wiz you let me down no longer my role model, i still would hit it, think about it she would have to make some great mexican food lol


has anyone seen my kittie
I used to watch operation repo on monday nights until I found out it was fake. Now I watch WWE wrestling instead.
> i think that sonia stole
>a black sharpie, the one
>with the wider tip.LOL.... ce61

Yeah....I wonder if the Rug matches the curtains?....LOL


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Shame on you, Feleno. Do you have any idea of how many of us opened this, expecting your usual contributions?

Now you have to start 4 threads in your normal positive role of providing us with quality guessing games.
If you want to know how shows like this can even get air time, read the CAMPFIRE post about telling time on a regular clock.
What's a regular clock?

Funny that you bring that up, Nickman. Have you noticed what kind of clocks are in our schools these days? Digital....that's really keeping our kids on the right track!


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