open borders supporters ? wtf ?



anyone hear of these freakin loons ? looks like I hate them already ! that was easy enough !!!!!




Proud White Man !!!!!
I wonder which liberal made the signs for them, since they probably can't read or write in english. That looks like a good spot to start rounding them up and shipping them home.

If it werent for the so-called "White Racist European Americans" that they are referring too coming to the North American continent, they wouldnt bother coming up here because everything these people are coming for has been built by the "White Racist European Americans".

Funny how everytime someone flee's thier chithole country, whether it be in Asia, Africa or South America, they always try to come to a country run by White poeple
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-07 AT 01:34AM (MST)[p]Hunterman67, you know my solutions to this problem.

I know this may start you typing in Caps again Hm67, but our country's age demographic may mean we might need them, more than they need us in the long run.

I don't want fight with you Hm67, so before you go postal check into it at the U.S. Census website.

And no I'm not defending their lack of assimilation or appreciating of the U.S. I don't approve of our flag being hung upside down anymore than I approve of Hugo Chavez slamming Bush while being protected by our Secret Servicemen.
I don't usually type in caps unless you go after me personally- you did'nt yet so I'm not worried. I see no reason whatsoever that we "need' any of them. to be honest I am still hoping we round them all up and ship thier butts back to thier chithole country- "I WILL PAY EXTRA TAXES TO COVER THE COSTS OF SHIPPING THEM ILLEGAL ALIENS BACK HOME".
the census has'nt been accurate since the 1950's so why you would quote that is beyond me- must be that you are soooo much smarter than me I guess. I am just a lonely psycopathic redneck with no teeth or smarts who just sits here and picks fight with everyone for no reason whatsoever- about right ? well tough poopy.
that census talk of yours in incorrect at best. with 12 million plus ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country RIGHT NOW. turning our flags upside down, marching through the streets of our cities wearing bandanas over thier faces (because they are scared someone like me is going to recognize them and know where they live and turn them in) they start riots in the streets, they attempt to lure our children into thier arguments by having everyone feel sorry for thier plight.

last year there were 25 or more of you mm members who gave me crap and most all of you said that "I have nothing aginst a man trying to better his life" crap, so now everyone agrees it is not just "poor little jose and his 27 kids sneaking into our country ILLEGALLY who are trying for a better life- whaa" and "taking our healthcare money that you and I paid into OUR system to cover us and our kids for them to arrive and have more kids"
where do you live wall ? anywhere near a border ? I watch them filtering in unimpeded most times (at least until I get a phone in my hands) every single day- when does it end wall ? what pray tell do you and your liberal demos plan to do about this ? I am just sitting here waiting for your wonderfull answer.....


Proud White Man !!!!!
you know, FTW always is so constructive I dont understand why people have to treat the one's who ask questions and consider all sides of an argument like they are being pompous or acting "smarter" that other's. I personally enjoy reading a well reasoned reply, regardless of the political ideology.

HM67, needs to slow down and take a deep breath, and enjoy life before he has a heart attack. . . .

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