OnX chip failure

No! I have had only great service from them

I make sure I always take my chip out before any updates on my Garmin

I would call them they will help you figure it out
Yeah I always take it out before updates.
It is an older one but thought it was odd that it just stopped working.
Oh well just a bad time of year
Just curious how property lines sre a good 20+ feet off. Did I miss some particular update?
I just had a chip fail trying to update it. Called OnX and they had a new one in the mail to me the next day. Great customer service!

>I just had a chip fail
>trying to update it. Called
>OnX and they had a
>new one in the mail
>to me the next day.
>Great customer service!

Yes they do have great customer service
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-19 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]YBO
>Just curious how property lines sre
>a good 20+ feet off.
>Did I miss some particular

Don?t know did you?
If you are out in the woods hunting and are worried about a property line being off by 20 ft you are to close to private property. I find that the OnX info is very helpful if your going to hunt a new area you can decide what areas you want to hunt by pulling up the area on your computer at home or in a motel with an iPad or on your phone
I think it's a better option than trying to use a USFS map that's 5+ years old or older. Also will give you the name of the property owner.
>AT 11:08?PM (MST)

>>Just curious how property lines sre
>>a good 20+ feet off.
>>Did I miss some particular
>Don?t know did you?
>If you are out in the
>woods hunting and are worried
>about a property line being
>off by 20 ft you
>are to close to private

Yet a lot of hunters claim to use OnX to "corner cross". How could you corner cross and not trespass if there is a 20 foot error in property boundaries?


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