Only in Texas..............sigh

LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]
Now that is a typical D***A** statement to make, but seeing as how you're an expert on the matter and nothing was mentioned about "any" fences in the article I guess you're also now a clairvoyant, LOL!!! I'm surprised you didn't also make some kind of racist statement since most down there in the valley are Hispanic!!! Incidentally, the OP headline would make it look like that's the only place this stuff happens when, in fact, these things happen all over the country. This sounds like a case of the school being put out in an area where either it shouldn't have been, or when it opened the "No Gun" zone should have been enlarged. That may have prevented whatever dimwits were shooting rifles that close to a populated area!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]>
>"hunting pastures" HF hunters strike again.
> mature.

You're aware that means field...right. Dude, stop being such a baby about it. If you don't like HF, then do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 12:32PM (MST)[p]WOW Tg you should let your therapist read your posts so he/she can adjust your meds!They are from TX,what do you expect?
The "shooters" are lucky they only hit basketball players. If they'd have hit football players, in Texas, they'd be strung-up by now! JK

It's a tragity whenever this happens. It seems silly to me that so many shots (at least 2) were fired and found their errant mark. They must have been plinking and not hunting???????

LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]
Another classic D***A** post by Mr. Shedz!!!

Theox---No, as I've stated several times before on the HF thread issue, I have NEVER hunted a high fence place of ANY size and never will, but I hunted enough low fence ranches of various sizes adjacent to a number of them in various parts of Texas over a couple of decades that I think I know what I'm talking about.
Here, let me step out of the way while you big boys try to pee all over each other.

So much for the news report.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 01:48?PM (MST)

Im not a doctor but I've been around them long enough to know a nutcase when I hear one......your logic is nothing less than epic.As far as I know a pasture is still a fenced in enclosure,even in the general hunting season still open down there?
HF in your post means high fence and I seriously doubt that "pasture" was high fence if it was within 600 yards of that school!!! However, since you're a clairvoyant I guess you know 100% for sure, LOL! Yes, the south texas whitetail season is open well into January and there is hog hunting year around. Funny you had to ask that seeing as how you seem to know everything!!!
Mtshedhedz, I'd say you're as big a D-bag as Beavis....but that's impossible. You're close though.

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 07:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-11 AT 07:20?PM (MST)

>z, topgun... are u guys HF
>hunters? u guys sure took
>offense to that!

I am from Texas and have quite a bit of knowledge as I have guided/hunted on high fence and free range hunts. I do hunt high fence what I have any opportunity to hunt, hunting is hunting to me. Being in the service, I don't get the chance to hunt very often. In my defense, I hunt pretty big ranches.

Also....I did a axis deer cull hunt on a 100 acre, which is considered a "pen" to me. I will tell you this....deer can dissappear. I never saw this buck I was after in four days. It was actually very fun and would do it again in a heart beat.

My mule deer hunt this year in the Spring Mountains was a different story. The deer and elk were kind of tame. Thats range wild animals that let me walk to within 30 yards of them. I have hunted exotics that you couldn't stalk within a few hundred yards.

My point is matters not the circumstances. It is the hunter and game that makes a hunt fair chase(within ethics, of course).

I am quite dissappointed in the responces of some people since I thought we were all on the same side as hunters. With some of the attitudes around here, you would think I was talking to a peta member. It also seems like some just straight talk out of their ass and not with their intelligence.
>Im not a doctor but I've
>been around them long enough
>to know a nutcase when
>I hear one......your logic is
>nothing less than epic.As far
>as I know a pasture
>is still a fenced in
>enclosure,even in the general
>hunting season still open down

A pasture is a fenced in enclosure, but unless you are hunting bovines it isn't necessarily a high fence. Most fences are 5 strand barbed wire and a deer can easily jump over them. Maybe they don't use fences in Montana anymore?

The general deer season is open until January 1st in Texas.

Hopefully the injured students will fully recover. Stories like this are always an important lesson to remind us to be 100% sure of our target AND BEYOND before pulling the trigger.
npaden---The general deer season in south Texas is open through 1/15/2012. The north season is what closes on 1/1/2012 and not the whole state.

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