Only a liberal could pull this off

202 about a week ago G.G. Liddy had her on his show. It was interresting!
202 I think you mean well and are probably a pretty good guy you should just be thankful that you have Dude and I on here to help clarify your thought process.
1. Which part of the science in the article did you not agree with, a. that coal and the effects of coal has more residual effects or the fact that nuclear energy is relatively safe.

2. The nuclear protestors are almost always liberals every since the 1960's. This liberal professor says she was wrong and the conservative point of view of controlled nuclear energy was correct isn't that a positive.

3. Do you fear nuclear energy if you do what about nuclear warheads they surely have a few of them in texas,( For those really big deer you Texans shoot)

4. I lived 5 miles from a nuclear power plant Fort Calhoun I'll take it over the smoke coming out of the coal powered plant even with the scrubbers in place.

I thought the lady wrote a concise intelligent article. Merry Christmas and may your tree be lit with cheap clean nuclear power.
Damn cornhole we agree for the 1st time. Too bad most libs are on the other side of this one too
I would be easy to get the libs to buy into nuke power. Just tell them Al Gore invented it.
Where do you get libs are against nuclear power? most of you think France is the capitol of liberalism but did you know they're also the leader in the field of modern nuclear power? we should and will put this technology to work, we should have done it years ago.
Cornhisker, I believe 202 was pointing out the irony of the whole anti-nuke crowd being lead to believe one thing that is PROVEN false after another.

Most/ALL anti-nuke protesters are libs, to deny this dude, is to deny that most pro-unborn baby killers are libs as well. The fact that Europe, even France see the benefits of nuke energy, while libs in this country continue to fight against it, is only an example of the "just oppose everything" mentality of the left in todays America, they are even more inane that European socialists. Except of course killing unborn babies, letting murderers/rapists back into society, assisted suicide, raising taxes, or anything that hurts America in general, then they are all for it.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Yes pro, telling folks what they can do with thier bodies and a clean effecient power supply are exactly the same thing.

When are you going to admit the law and the majority of Americans don't give a crap about your opinion on abortion? do you add that line of drivel when you make your order at McDonalds too? give it a rest dude.
Sorry you got in trouble when I made my order at McDonalds, I hope you don't get fired from your job, DUDE.:9


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
> Yes pro, telling folks what
>they can do with thier
>bodies and a clean effecient
>power supply are exactly the
>same thing.
> When are you going to
>admit the law and the
>majority of Americans don't give
>a crap about your opinion
>on abortion? do you add
>that line of drivel when
>you make your order at
>McDonalds too? give it a
>rest dude.

Do we have to go through this again? Abortion does not just affect one person it also affects the unborn child who is also a person. Your saying a person has the right to say what happens to their body or not and can do what they want to it. What about the child's rights to do the same. The only way your logic would hold up is if you said the embryo/fetus/child/baby was not a living being. If you agree it is a living being then your logic contradicts itself. If you say it is not I would be happy to debate that.
Come on...... AL GORE INVENTED IT. I don't care who you are, that there is funny.
I cracked myself up.
Good greif, we can't even talk about nuclear power without abortion coming up? are you guys street preachers? if so go convert Muslims in Afghanistan, that should take care of you.
Where do you get libs are against nuclear power? most of you think France is the capitol of liberalism but did you know they're also the leader in the field of modern nuclear power? we should and will put this technology to work, we should have done it years ago.
Dude you might want to check with the US navy on that one.
> Good greif, we can't even
>talk about nuclear power without
>abortion coming up? are you
>guys street preachers? if so
>go convert Muslims in Afghanistan,
>that should take care of

Street Preachers. Now that's funny I don't care who you are.
"Cornhisker, I believe 202 was pointing out the irony of the whole anti-nuke crowd being lead to believe one thing that is PROVEN false after another."

That and the fact that a Lib can get away with a flip flop like this and it never makes the mainstream media. Yet if a conservative did this it would be plastered across the front page of the new York Times.

I absolutly LOVE nuke power. In fact as I have said before I am waiting for my Ford F350 Nuke Stroke.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
202 said "That and the fact that a Lib can get away with a flip flop like this and it never makes the mainstream media. Yet if a conservative did this it would be plastered across the front page of the new York Times."

Like I said you should feel grateful that Dude and I can help you clarify your convoluted thought process. She writes for the Times, Washington Post and Harpers all pretty much mainstream media.

No Conservative Republican has ever flipflopped certainly not all these family first Republicans that end up being gay. Certainly not Bush who declared the war over. Those aren't flipflopping it's just being wrong and changing your mind. Try to focus here man there really isn't much difference in the moral character dependant on political party. Dishonesty is not a party trait or a trait of where you are located on the political spectrum. Honesty or lack of is a personal choice issue try to see through the Texas dust to get the picture.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-07 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]"Like I said you should feel grateful that Dude and I can help you clarify your convoluted thought process. She writes for the Times, Washington Post and Harpers all pretty much mainstream media."

Now that may be the funniest damn post ever. NYTimes, Washington Post mainstream. Funny chit right there. If YOU think the NYTimes is not far-left you are far-left yourself and have been convinced you and dude are 'moderates'. Truth be told, the Times is further left than FoxNews is right. Nice try though.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Well a guy can always try to slip something like that past and hope it isn't caught. You are right on that although I read the Times it is obviously to the left as are the other two. It gets harder to find something not biased I guess it always has been. I also watch Fox,CNN,in an effort to balance my thought process a little so that I don't get like some guys on this site. Touche!
He stirs ever so slowly in riddles, adds a dash of inuendo, with just that perfect subtle amount of personal dig that is just so rare these days. This man of corn.

I heard today that if we as a country were to replace all the electrical transformers with newer more efficient ones we could pull 20 coal plants from the grid. Anyone?

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