Online Poker??

I don't play online. It's way too impersonal and too hard to read players. As you know I'm sure, body language is a huge part of the game.

I've been at it live and online over 3 years now and know one're absolutely correct!! never_catch is actually my online poker alias...along with pokerprincezz (when I want you to think i'm a chick).

I always play a tight aggressive "small ball" style and it works consistently with live play but online I get slaughtered by rags...only reason I like it is I can play 6-7 tables at once and my hands per hour ratio is incredible.

Last night on the button I get AA diamond spade. First position raises to $8, mid pair holder calls, I reraise it to $33, 1st calls, mid folds...flop comes out Ac/7s/9h...he bets out $46, since I flopped top set, there's no flush draw, and a weak straight draw I just smooth call...Turn brings a J and a second heart...I immediately know he has 10 8 of hearts and already has the straight (because that's how rolls), he bets $78 and I call hoping for a full house...River brings OF COURSE a 7 of hearts giving him a straight flush and me aces full!! He checks, I check...he wins...LMAO i'm so addicted but I hate this game!!

I saw quad As' get beat by a royal flush the other night on the WPT. Unreal!

I used to play on line but got tired of all the slow players and those with no clue. I had my "account" up pretty high.

My buddy keeps bugging me to play at the local casino, but so far I've resisted.


Bad beat for sure, never_catch! Thats when you gotta get up and go break something....come back like nothing happened!

LOL yea between my brother and I, we've had to patch quite a few "tilt" holes in the walls in the past...guess that's part of the game :)

>I saw quad As' get beat
>by a royal flush the
>other night on the WPT.
>I used to play on line
>but got tired of all
>the slow players and those
>with no clue. I had
>my "account" up pretty high.
>My buddy keeps bugging me to
>play at the local casino,
>but so far I've resisted.

Maybe I am just stupid.....but how can you get a Royal Flush if the other guy has 4 Aces....there are only 4 Aces in a deck and the Royal needs an Ace?????????? I trust ya eel...but do I not understand it??
We play a nice little home game. Joker for aces, straights, and flushes, no wild cards. Two weeks ago i came up with 4 deuces and got my butt handed to me in a huge pot by a straight flush. Chances of that happening are slim indeed. Still hurts!! :)

>>I saw quad As' get beat
>>by a royal flush the
>>other night on the WPT.
>>I used to play on line
>>but got tired of all
>>the slow players and those
>>with no clue. I had
>>my "account" up pretty high.
>>My buddy keeps bugging me to
>>play at the local casino,
>>but so far I've resisted.
>Maybe I am just stupid.....but how
>can you get a Royal
>Flush if the other guy
>has 4 Aces....there are only
>4 Aces in a deck
>and the Royal needs an
>Ace?????????? I trust ya eel...but
>do I not understand it??

More than likely what happened is player A had A,A in his hand. Player B had something like K,10 suited in his hand....and the flop/turn/river consisted of A,A,Q,J, and some other card, with the A,Q,J being suited to match the K, 10 in player B's hand.
I play. I been beating the crap out of some greenie named never_catch. And there is this chick named pokerprincezz. Oooowweeee what a hotty. She and I have been having a little online fling as well as playing poker. I think we're gonna get together soon and "play a little poker", wink, wink, if ya know what I mean. :)

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